Feel-Good Art Thread

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by ticklerust

A place to discuss any positive thoughts you have about your art, the process of making art, the wonder of improvement and what you're grateful to be able to accomplish in the present moment. The only rule is that you can't be a pickle towards yourself or others.

Some smaller rules:

- No pictures, no posting your art.  Talk-only thread. :)

- This isn't a thread to express how you felt so diddly darn good getting compliments/getting more subs/followers/etc etc. If you break this rule, you're a very big pickle.



VanillaMouse I looked at your boys and can confirm, they're 10/10.


I´m getting better at painting scale textures, drawing dragons has become one of my favorite things to do now. Although fluffy creatures are still quite fun for me as well. The fur details take so long and I love it honestly. It gives me the feeling that something took a lot of effort and time.


Ive finally been improving on male anatomy despite only using references scarcely but....its still not human/humanoid mostly monsters but I suppose its a start? I guess i did improve regardless haha. Im happy with it so eventually i may be able to draw humans more efficiently i hope..on another note I realize i need to really start working on armor,weapons and just metals and materials in general...i would need to look up references cause a friend once said: "References saves lives"


I'm very excited to work on bigger pieces and to improve quicker at art!


i've been getting more ambitious with backgrounds- still not perfect at staging characters within them realistically, but i'm getting somewhere! also, i'm very happy with how i've progressed with my use of shapes and colors and lighting. i'm having more fun with all 3, all while being able to keep the 3d form of a character more in mind. i'm especially happy with how my portrait painting has been going lately- i feel like i'm getting better at figuring out how faces are lit up and textured. and i've been venturing into scale and fur textures more, both of which are super fun and it's cool to get the hang of!

i'm not all the way there yet, but i've been feeling a lot of progress lately and it's hyping me up!


I think I'm actually getting better at writing and art!! Like-only a few years ago I could barely draw a person, like wow. I really have come so far ://)

In the past, whenever I made a character, I'd draw them a few times, scrap them, and make a new one that was better, taking some parts and ideas from the old. I've been doing that sorta thing for years now and looking back it's so crazy  to me how much better I've gotten at the personality and backstory aspect of my ocs from doing it. The reason they are the way they are, and what they do and why. When I look back, I can always sorta tell what aspects I brought into new characters. (Design wise too.) I still have a long way to go in my art journey, but I hope I can make some even better ocs in the future and revamp some older ones!

Also I bought gmod (Garry's Mod) and now I can pose 3D models!!! I wanna use it to make some 3D animations in my free time :D