🌈 LGBT+ OCs discussion thread

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 3 days ago) by fuelli

Hi! Following some discussion in the "TH pet peeves" thread, I've decided to create a discussion thread specifically dedicated to discussion around LGBT+ OCs. This is not a "show me..." thread (I'm sure there's plenty of these in Character Discussion already), it's a thread where you can share your thoughts or ask for advice!

Share your thoughts: Ramble about your experience with LGBT+ OCs and give ideas and tips to other OCs creators! Venting about negative experiences or tropes is allowed, but try to be constructive! Talk about things you want someone with an LGBT+ character to explore, how this character could be more relatable or realistic, or how a character that fits a caricature or stereotype could be given more depth.

Ask for advice: Share your character ideas or profiles and ask for feedback, or ask a more specific question about something you're unsure about! However, please try to make research before posting, as there are lots of resources and tips available already. LeoLeonis has created a Google Doc masterlist listing all topics that have already been mentioned and info that has been given on here; give it a look if you have doubts! I'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.

Feel free to ping me if things heat up or if anything needs to be added in the OP. Have fun, and please keep things civil ♥

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physics I don't really know how to prevent people from using the wrong pronouns (I think it's unfortunately a side effect of this site and the internet in general - even characters who are clearly recognisable as their gender at first glance regularly get the wrong pronouns in games because people sometimes don't bother to read) but it can help to fix the way the gender and pronouns are listed on their profile! Currently, on small screens they sorta fall outta the box they're in, like this. Perhaps separating the gender from the pronouns box will fix the small screen issue and make the pronouns visible at first glance for small screen users!

But yeah, for the wrong use of pronouns, I think you already did everything correctly to make the character's pronouns known and clearly visible to anyone willing to find out. Generally, using them in text is the best option imo. There's usually not much you can do to encourage people to use the right ones because the issues usually come from laziness. 


gravesight Ugh I'd love to see more happy trans characters too. Like we get it. A lot of us won't live to see 30. But fiction doens't have to reflect that and when there's this fantastical world of like magic and space ships or whatever and trans people are still miserable, it's just depressing as fuck. Like you've got the imagination to create a new world and it's one that we can't be happy in and reproduces modern transphobia. And when it's cis people writing it, it just feels exploitative. 

My trans characters have problems and none of it revolves around their transness becuase I'm so sick of transphobia in fantasy settings.

 Rayzil sp00kypaw

This gal's a lesbian and also has a child naturally conceived. I have it so where she was questioning sexuality when she was conceived. What do you guys think of this?


sp00kypaw my mother is a lesbian, has been her whole life, and I was naturally conceived! I don't think there's anything wrong with it, and her having had straight sex doesn't question her homosexuality at all 

 Jackal/Jackie sterlinging

I want this character to be genderfluid, but I admit I'm note sure how confident I am in my writing for it! I want to be as respectful as possible. In a nutshell, this character is a ghost, and in life, they realized they were genderfluid but did not outwardly express it because society sucks. As a ghost, they can manipulate their appearance, so they essentially have two separate bodies and nicknames, while everything else stays the same. I write it to essentially be this, but I'm not even sure what language to use would be the best. He primarily goes by he/him/his pronouns, but what pronouns should I refer to them when I describe them as a whole? They/them/theirs? Any suggestions are welcome!


Pyatiugolnik thanks for that input! i really appreciate it!


Albinistic tbh i think if you said "don't make this character a femboy" etc people would either respect it or not buy the design? at least i would hope so. everyone makes terms when they sell adopts and it's kind of honour system to follow them. it's happened in the past that some people have rules on their adopts that wouldve prevented me from using them the way i wouldve liked to, so even if i was attracted to the adopt/design, obviously the full package wasn't for me, and in the end i just passed over it. this is the usual attitude i see - "adopt sellers can make whatever terms they please, but if they conflict with what i would like to do, i just wont buy from them".


Albinistic yeah lol i find the "femboy" trope pretty uncomfortable and tone-deaf usually, the topic has come up on this site in the past and a lot of people agree there for the record

and i said "i'd hope", cuz there are always people who will break/disrespect whatever rules. doesn't mean we should stop asking in good faith or following others' requests in the hope that the same would happen for us in turn. just because people *can* be unfair doesn't mean we should all abandon *trying* to be fair to each other. there usually isn't going to be a perfect solution that can solve all issues but i don't think that means people shouldn't even try.

Reid McKinley ★ jukeboxes

Reid is a transman, and I'm worried because I want him to be a realistic trans character, but I'm afraid that no matter what I do people will mark me as a cis person exploiting a trans character for the sake of being 'sad' or 'edgy', or just to drive their story forward? Reid has his own problems. He works for the government and lives in a very poor area and is constantly dealing with the fact that he is a being higher than a human (a god, more specifically). In terms of his trans identity, he doesn't want top surgery, and is fine with not wearing a binder, depending on what he feels like doing in that case on any given day. Reid was created during a time of my life where I thought I was trans (and he was someone I could relate to), but now that I've realized I'm cis, I don't want to be writing his character wrong, especially if I've never faced real gender dysphoria myself.

I don't want to seem ignorant. I really just want to write him in a way that is realistic for his current environment. If he's poor, hungry, and stressed out of his mind, he wouldn't choose to wear a binder every day... right? If wearing just a sports bra or nothing at all would end up being more comfortable in the end? And, again. His being trans isn't something that other characters bug him about. I just want to be able to write it well, without people thinking I'm an ignorant cis doing it for attention. I really care about my LGBT characters and want to make their lives as realistic as possible.