Tips for creating lineless art?

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by jukeboxes

I'm about to jump into lineless artwork for the first time in a while. I've watched a couple of tutorials for it, so I feel somewhat prepared, but are there any other tips that y'all could share with me to make my life easier?


It's been a while since I've done lineless, but if it helps, don't delete the sketch until you're absolutely done with the picture; I usually keep the sketch around until the end because it helps me distinguish between objects in a picture!

This really only applies if you're trying to do fancier shading I usually shade the picture quickly and then do more detailed shading later; it helps me with details!

These are just my two cents so don't feel like you need to follow them though!


I don't know if this is a common or even generally helpful thing to do or just a weird thing only I do seeing as I just started with lineless stuff myself...

 But I've found that something that has helped me transition from lines to lineless is just... Doing the lineart normally and coloring under it, then just turning the layer off when I finish. I also turn it off and on while coloring to make sure everything looks right and there are no gaps. It just helps me get a feel as to where everything should go and where I should put shadows and highlights. :')

Again, this could be terrible advice and even if it's not, I still probably wouldn't recommend sticking with it for too long but it may help the transition some??


i ditched lines completely when i tried lineless for the first time, though that might not be the most comfortable for everyone! the key is in reducing art to color shapes - and starting to define your piece further "inside" the shapes. using layers is very helpful when you're starting out!

i'm not sure i've explained clearly but that's usually my approach