Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by rainy



Hey everyone! Art Fight 2020 is right around the corner. I make annual Toyhouse threads about Art fight to help spread some love around! 

You might be wondering...What is Art Fight?

Click the image below to watch the video!


Art Fight is a web-based graphic art game that was created in 2007 in order to inspire creativity and fun among different communities of artists! The fight lasts for one month each year, usually in the summer, and returns annually.

How does it work? 

Users can register on the site to join the game.

Each year there are 2 teams that are based on a theme, and players are split into two teams and "attack" by drawing art for members of the other team. Each attack is worth a specific number of points based upon effort, completion, and detail. At the end of the month, the team with the greater score wins. Read more here!

How do you join teams?

You cannot join a team yet. You will be able to when the event starts on July 1st!

While waiting, come join us on the Discord server! We're super friendly and would love to have you.


I'm on Team Sugar!
This is the first time I'm participating and I'm also a bit new to art. I'll try my best to attack back, though! (mainly human/humanoids)
If the website's down, here are the characters you can draw. c:


Hey guys! I've noticed a lot of reoccurring threads about Art Fight and target hunting, and in order to not spam the forums, I'd recommend using these two threads to advertise yourself! 

Sugar Masterlist

Spice Masterlist