Vent Board

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 3 years, 1 month ago) by Outlet

Vent Thread Rules & Guidelines

This account will be checked every 24 - 48 hours.
Please contact this account with images, links or any accompanying proof of issues and violations.
If you have caused an issue on the thread and are uncontactable either via Quiet Mode or otherwise, you will be @ publicly and asked to desist your behaviours.


  • Vent about your day.
  • Block out mentions of disturbing content, hate, upsetting themes and NSFW.
  • Mention it's okay to message you or otherwise contact you (you don’t have to put anything if you don’t wish to be contacted).
  • Use the board as much as required to feel better.
  • Understand everybody is different, with different upbringings, cultures and walks of life where some things are odd and unacceptable in your own life and culture.


  • Spread or promote hate and bigotry.
  • Mention upsetting topics and/or themes without a spoiler or blackout text. This includes suicide baiting.
  • Post explicit descriptions of your self harm or violent thoughts, this has become a repeat problem on the board.
  • Harass or @ a user to argue or debate their vent.
  • Vague or otherwise attack a user indirectly (off-site is acceptable provided it's not brutally obvious). This includes vaguing over threads on site, dramas on site, etc. 
  • Use your background or culture to preface an otherwise bigoted or hateful vent.

Blocking Out Text

Using WYSIWYG: Make text black, highlight text black.
Without WYSIWYG: <span style="background-color: #000; color: #000;">This is my vent.</span>

WYSIWYG Spoiler button.
Spoiler Code: <div class="fr-spoiler">A spoiled vent.</div>



You ever just worry bout a friend so much that if they’re offline longer than normal time feels so slow and you keep checking over and over if they’re online. 

its worse when its two of your friends instead of one, and for different reasons too


Please stop fighting