I sort my characters by

47 Votes How much I use/like them (primary/secondary/etc)
11 Votes Species type (anthro/feral/humanoid, dog/cat/horse)
105 Votes Story/Fandom (Story A, Story B, Fanstory A)
49 Votes Other/A combination of the above (Comment below!)

How do you sort your ocs? I'm constantly battling with myself about this. At the moment its sorted by story/fandom, but sometimes I have the sudden impulse to scrap my sorting completely and instead go for a more "hierarchy" based approach, with my favorites all together, then my next most used, and so on and so forth. I see all three types used a lot, and they all have their own functionality that makes them better for one person over the other, but I was curious which type was most popular, and other peoples reasoning behind their sorting!

(And before its said- yes, I know tags exist, lol, but I'm lazy and that takes a lot of effort, plus I barely use tags in the first place.)


I mostly sort them by projects, depending on what story their attached to, etc !
But I also have a lot of on species characters, and more standalone designs, so yea, it's a mix of all...


For the characters that don't have a storyline attached to them, I order them by species or 'world of origin'. For my main characters, they have a separate folder all dedicated to them alone, due to them being part of a story.


I only have 3 that I've uploaded here so to be honest I just straight up don’t sort them.