Possible friends?

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 28 days ago) by examori

Still kinda new to toyhouse and not really sure where I'd look outside of it for friends in this community other than discord but I have a rough time with talking in servers.

So, would anyone want to be friends?

Feel free to PM me or comment on here!!

Please note:
Don't interact if you're under 15 thank u!!

Thank you!


If ya don't mind an old man fren I'm always up for a chat ;u;

I'm Rudy, I'm a hot mess, but I try to bring positivity where I go. I like to draw a lot. My specialty is dumpster people and uhhhh I have cats? 


Rudy yeah that’s okay! I’d love to be friends!


hypnodelic alright!


Heyo! I would love to be friends with you, I sent you a friend req on Discord, I am VictoryDrawsManga#7860 :D