♦ Unpopular Opinion Thread ♦

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Enigma_Host


Since the original Unpopular Opinion Thread is locked (it turned into a shit-show reeeaaal fast) , I've gotten permission to remake it. 

I've decided to use the original rules for the thread since those were gucci

Edit: I didn't mean to post ic aaaaaaaa

Spoilers: Rules

- Don't be very rude or snarky to others. Remember, everyone has their own personal opinions.

- Disagreeing with someone's opinion is allowed, as long as it's not rude.

- Yo don't namedrop people, even if they're not on this site.

- To avoid causing a mess, refrain from starting an argument at all times!

- If there's something wrong going on in this thread, or if it's going out-of-hand, please PM me so that I can take care of it!

- Vaguing someone is prohibited, and it's connected to the third rule.

- Please do not post more than twice per page, so that it won't cause too much of a mess.

- It's okay if you vent, don't go too all-out on it. This is not the Vent Board.

- Also, please try not to turn this thread into a saltfest.

- Please, no opinions focused on racism, LGBT, politics, religion and the like. These will cause a massive flamewar. Controversial opinions are also not allowed unless taken lightly.

- Don't say stuff like "I don't like X" or "What? I love X!" in a way that's aggressive. This is meant to be a nice thread about sharing your unpopular opinions, not countering someone else's opinion.

-If it's something nsfw, use a spoiler box, or blackout the text  like this

- Don't call this thread out as a "bad idea." If you don't like this thread, please do not post here.

-Failure to comply with these rules will result in a warning, or ban depending on how severely you broke the rules.

Ey yo,  if you see someone breaking the rules, pm me. I love it when ppl do this because I'm a blind bih.

Banned Users

None (yet, but I think it's time to bring this bad boy out.)


room temperature water is better than cold water


^^^^ Big Agree

also... apple juice > orange juice.. 


Big agree on apple juice > orange juice oh my gOd


i don't like about any fruit juice ( EXCEPT cranberry juice. and grape juice but it has to have a specific flavor ) but i do really hate orange juice.. apple juice is okay but it doesn't taste anything like a juicy green apple


Idk if this is unpopular or not but I unironically really like Smash Mouth’s music instead of only liking it for the meme (Not saying I don’t like the memes too, they’re just as fun!)


Super Mario Bros (1993, starring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo) is a good movie


The coca-cola is better without bubbles~


cheese on ramen is FIRE y'all should try it (best combo imo: Samyung spicy noodles + slices of cheddar)


detective pikachu > pokemon anime movies

sun/moon anime style revamp > older style pokemon anime

regular water > flavored water (it tastes like really weird fake juice, u know those juice brands that are... not quite right?)


Warm/Hot Dr. Pepper is delicious


AGREED W/ LIKE.. all of the 3 above ( even though i never actually tried warm dr. pepper or cheese w/ ramen but sounds good )

i don't like any type of water but flavored tastes so obviously fake that it bothers me much more than normal water. which is weird bc i really dislike the taste of water ( and milk when you don't eat anything w/ it ). i guess also me not drinking or liking water is also probably unpopular and i know i should drink more its just the flavor tastes so weird and kind of unclean which might just be my sink ( we have a filter though ) but idk

isn't neccessarily an opinion but i've never played sonic, only the sonic flash games... it looks fun i just never got sonic

ALSO UNSURE IF THIS?? is unpopular. but the main interests i have in fandoms i don't actually read or play the source material i just watch lets plays,,, my family isnt one that gets games n stuff regularly ( esp since some of them are like 60$ like p5 and dr ) and only usually do it for birthdays. usually don't even buy games for christmas ( my family.. one parental figure in particular.. kind of ""cancels"" christmas but still goes through with it anyways so our christmas' are usually uneventful bc of that and budgets. also i might of said this before but christmas is overhyped way too early.. im glad ppl are excited but im dying throughout november w/ christmas ads ).

so i just assume i'll never get the game because of my situation and watch lets plays. i also watch like multiple lets plays bc its really fun to watch people react to certain situations in them??


Good gracious agree with everything on this entire page lmao - EXCEPT for cold water is better and I'm lucky because I live in a place where the water comes directly from underground wells and is extremely clean. Y'all never tasted great water unless you've been over in potato land. Also yes, those flavor packets are friggin nasty, get them outta here D: — Knight, I don't think your view on fandom stuff is unpopular really, I totally get watching let's plays haha. I usually do that for most stuff, but there are certain games that I'll do myself because I'm interested


I think Pokemon Gen 5 and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are... not that great? G5 seems to have a difficulty level way different than any other game, even now years later I struggle getting past the 2nd or 3rd gym. D/P feels kinda slow? None of the starters are particularly great, and imo none of the other 'mons even seem that appealing. 


It feels less like people curate characters here that they RP but that they treat characters like Pokemon cards and trade and hoard them just so they can say they have character from X popular artist/creator. Some people are snobby in this regard, making closed species so they can gain fame by people wanting to make characters in that species, rather than making a species so they can tell a unique story with it, or people hoarding characters from popular creators and looking down on those who don't have as many or don't have characters from popular creators. Anyone else feel this?


HidetoKoudanshi Yeah, I really agree :') Especially when it comes to CS though -- it's like currency and I really don't like it. I'm here with the vast majority of my characters on this account being made specifically for my own worlds and stories, but I do have some that I'll trade if I find someone who I think would work in my worlds and stories.