The birthday thread🎂🎉

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by BirthdayMod

Your birthday month?

35 Votes January
35 Votes February
30 Votes March
31 Votes April
30 Votes May
38 Votes June
27 Votes July
35 Votes August
33 Votes September
29 Votes October
27 Votes November
43 Votes December

Hello! This is the birthday thread. We noticed that most birthdays here are not hugely celebrated among the forums, hence, it's decided that this thread exist so we can celebrate birthdays of (hopefully) EVERYONE here, as well as a masterlist to compile everyone's birthday. ^^

If you want to be a part of the TH birthday masterlist, please comment HERE to keep things organized. We will try to update the masterlist as often as possible :)

Things you can post in the thread:

  • Promoting your birthday. Things like "today is my birthday" are always welcomed here! (We would promote everyone's birthday for each days but unfortunately, life concerns and we're not sure if we could do that daily.) Late or early birthday promotions are also allowed.
    • You can include a brief wishlist for your birthday this year (either IRL or online-related), your wishlist can be goals for yourself, or actual gift-related wishlist. 
    • Keep artwork/writing gifts-related wishlists as short and not demanding since this is not a request thread. Go to art freebies if you want something more specific. (Do not beg or guilt trip for gifts either. Not everyone is obligated to do it.)
  • Wishing others a happy birthday! (Make sure to ping them if they're okay with it.) Either it's a response to the above point or not. You can post gifts or any messages/compliments here to them if you want.
  • Sharing any birthday memories, new or old. We would prefer if it's a positive one since we don't want this thread to turn into another vent board.
  • Just any birthday-related things, as long as it doesn't go against the site's rules or the above points that were mentioned.

Want to celebrate YOUR OCS' birthday instead? We have a character version for this thread! Birthday Masterlist: (Format still in an experimental mode.)

7th: SikaMouse
8th: timeandtimor
11th: Drowzee
14th: poptartle
16th: FellowPigeon
17th: flower-magic
23rd: PhantomForest
27th: AlleycatIrony
31st: acne
6th: Carlo
7th: Kogami, TheLadyAnatola
13th: is_an_astronaut
17th: Memesogic
20th: iinasmuch
23rd: sofmi
24th: Angry-Moth-Noises, @CasseDrake07
3rd: Kingfauna
7th: Maiden-of-Ghosts
8th: MageofHearts
12th: CloudiiSkai
22nd: @familliarfarris
24th: VincentVanGoat, Phantasmal
25th: kye
28th: Avistella
29th: Litwick, KymPerson
2nd: Clockwork
4th: TheStrayCat
9th: kimodamari
10th: Isoprene
11th: gummy
12th: Judas-la-Carotte
TenMomentsTill, @divsybean
15th: Waltz
17th: SoraDeathEater, spiritphone
18th: sylphystia
8th: rosieoci
9th: haxelnut
11th: Pam
14th: Mwins
19th: cyantrashcan, HowlingCat
21st: RustHeart
24th: MoonFlames
29th: GeckoSauce
2nd: lillywise
3rd: syskey
6th: Kazeun
7th: Monochrome-Melody
14th: Pixelated_Prophecies, sigma_draconis
18th: TyrianCallows
19th: Ressy
20th: ElithianFox, darkrai
25th: junebuggy
23rd: celestiials
28th: Amber-Lynne
3rd: Akira
12th: alliegunther
13th: Vowltures
18th: Stormchi
21st: Renigee
23rd: Caine
25th: crowjokes
26th: Riixinkuu
27th: @Tone
2nd: MiniMilkshake1001
4th: @Croix
5th: Beed
8th: RoseNines
12th: Kana
18th: cresom
19th: Orion_Overdrive
22nd: Adalana
23rd: Kirbygal
27th: Pummie
28th: Ikayuro
1st: nox-pluviam
7th: Lotor
8th: Azrael
18th: AeroHail
28th: Laneu
30th: RoyalProtector
15th: Tick
22nd: Historia, Pyatiugolnik
29th: Sourpunch
30th: izsumi
4th: hedgemaze
15th: apricot, ch1sh10
18th: knightofpherae
22nd: ShadmeTheAngel
24th: MxMartyBellvue
26th: colorful
27th: cinnamon_bun_puff
28th: dogstarlite
3rd: Rav3n
9th: BroodingBungalow
10th: cati, yumies
11th: awepossum, JelloPotato
12th: Serja
14th: 123penguin64
16th: HellMilk
20th: 5inthemorning, Niiero
21st: yoosung
22nd: KittyKnight, SnowSpirit
23rd: SkysPris
26th: Aviecat
27th: SweetieSylveon
29th: Alexg47
30th: Raddishes

Remember, if you want to be added to the masterlist, comment HERE.

If you're here to celebrate your birthday, then BirthdayMod wishes you a happy birthday in advance! May you have a great day!


I wanna revive this thread, so *revive* taa-daa!!!!

Anyways, my birthday's coming up on November 4th, and I'm excited, but at the same time, just feel older lol.

Also, I saw we can add a lil birthday wishlist?

All I'm hoping for is possibly some art of my characters, but thats about it.

  • Your most fondest birthday memory, if you still remember?

From ages between 9 and 15 it became tradition for me to eat this Freddo frog ice cream cake (only Aussies will understand) every birthday. But, last year I upgraded to this one instead. 

  • What do you usually receive as gifts on your birthday?

Whatever my current hyperfixation is at that time, I guess... Or art supplies/devices. I think I'll probably just get Pokemon toys or something tho. 

  • Are you looking forward to your next birthday?

No, I'm really not. Next year I'm turning 18 and I'm absolutely horrified about it. I can't stand the thought of it. 

SO, help me numb the pain by giving me some nice art of my OCs, please! (Out of my public OCs, please only draw fanart of either Sherbie, Watermelon, Vixie, or this one. Or DM me on here and I will send you the ref sheets of my personal ones you can draw instead) Thanks!


>> Your most fondest birthday memory, if you still remember?

Honestly, I don't have many memories about my birthdays but I do remember going bowling or roller skating a lot for my birthday :>

>> What do you usually receive as gifts on your birthday?

Usually merch of whatever I was interested in at the time, sometimes would get those kinda crappy art sets from well meaning family members lol. Still appreciated them tho. Nowadays, my parents will ask me to make an amazon wishlist of stuff I want or will give me money to go buy whatever I want, especially since some of the stuff I've gotten into have been a little more,, niche? idk if that's the right word ksjdf basically the stuff I'm into doesn't have merch you could find in a walmart, target, [insert other retail store] or even on amazon

>> Are you looking forward to your next birthday?

Sort of? But also not lol. I'd be turning 21, which I guess is considered a milestone in the US? But I doubt it'll be any different than my last few birthdays, especially considering I don't have many friends that live near me anymore ueueue

As for something like a wishlist, honestly any OC art would be fine, I'm not picky. March 4th is my birthday


Oh yeah it's my birthday today! I'm 20 now.

Feel free to draw anyone in my profile btw, but I'd die for art of Mimosa and Co.

(UN on the OP is outdated (Historia). I go by a new name now)


idk if this is allowed but!!! it is my cat's birthday today :) happy birthday mango, you precious lil fuzzball

oh and happy birthday to Lilina :) hope it goes good for ya


Is my birthdayyy YIPEE 🎈🎈🎈


Borthday is April 25th

  • Your most fondest birthday memory, if you still remember?
    Not sure, I just age up
  • What do you usually receive as gifts on your birthday?
  • Are you looking forward to your next birthday?
    For personal reasons, not really
    Plus I hit my 21 milestone in 2023 so there's not much to look forward to now ^^"
    On the bright side, I keep creating to make my stories alive