PSA: PayPal Fees (DO's and DONT'S) + TUTORIAL

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by sonyaism

EDIT: Unsure where to put this, a follower of mine told me "General" would be good enough. lol


Hey everyone. Recently, I was in a situation concerning PayPal fees that left me salty.

So, being salty, I posted a PSA on my bulletins.

Then, being even saltier, I updated and moved my PayPal Tutorial (used to be on dA) which I am here to share with you today!

Before I get started, I would like to just address PayPal Fees.


It goes against PayPal's User Agreement to charge
your customer/buyer PayPal's Trasaction Fees.


International Transactions

Please be aware that as of late 2016, PayPal has installed auto-currency exchange.
Please refer to my guide on Weebly on how to deal with it.
Please check in with people you are buying from outside the country if they want their money in USd or their home-currency.
ALSO, fees are higher than normal fees when sending abroad.


Transaction Fees

  • DO know that asking someone to cover your PayPal Fees will get you in trouble.
    • They can limit or freeze your account which means you won't be able to receive or spend funds, depending.

  • DO know that it is against PayPal's User Agreement to charge someone PayPal's Transaction Fees.

  • DO raise your prices discreetly if the fees are that much of a hassle.

  • DO not ask for your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
  • DON'T use "Friends & Family" payment method to avoid fees.
    • As a Seller: Potentially can limit/freeze your account.
    • As a Buyer: The seller is able to scam you because this does not offer "PayPal Protection" which means you are unable to open a dispute against them if they run off with your money.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.

  • DON'T ask your buyer to cover your PayPal Fees.
Note: If you were someone that added an extra dollar or more when sending money, that can be considered a "tip."
You put extra money onto the transaction out of your own volition. No one asked you to do so.
If the seller did ask you to cover the fees, then they are violating PayPal's User Agreement which you, under no circumstance, should be covering the fees.



Screenshot of the User Agreement Clause






Thanks for taking a read!

Feel free to critique, corret, and comment below!

I need the feedback. :')

>>sonyaism ♥


cub Gotta be able to find this later


Claps loudly for people in the back



I am someone who recently got into PayPal, but I was only going through a paypal account for transactions and found when it’s someone directly sending you money, without invoice, there was no fee! I thought I would share this since I found it useful (and I can’t go through a bank anyway, which is required for invoices.) if anyone believes this is not allowed, let me know, but as far as my knowledge goes it is! <3


@crylikeawolf It's a bad idea!

From the original post, in case you missed it:

DON'T use "Friends & Family" payment method to avoid fees.
As a Seller: Potentially can limit/freeze your account.
As a Buyer: The seller is able to scam you because this does not offer "PayPal Protection" which means you are unable to open a dispute against them if they run off with your money.



How is that the friends and family plan? I use it because I don’t have a credit or debit card, so I don’t understand that.

I’m going to have to do it regardless, I don’t mind paying the fee but it didn’t charge me it, but have 0 idea how to make it where I don’t have to attach a credit card or give my social security number (not doing either)



the family & friends/gift option is the only option on paypal that doesn't charge a fee because you're sending it as a gift, so paypal has no reason to charge a fee. the person sending payment has the option to send it as either a gift or as services, so it's not like you need to have a credit/debit card on file to see either option.

if you're sending payment with the goods & services option of sending money, they automatically remove whatever percentage for their fee when the seller receives the payment. if you're not seeing the fee, then the person who sent you money probably sent it as the family & friends option. 

I'm also pretty sure you don't need a bank connected to your account in order to do invoices. You just need the bank account attached if you want to be able to deposit money you receive from paypal.



This was very helpful, thank you! I wasn’t doing it intentionally- but the only other way to accept invoice money is by signing up for a paypal MasterCard, which I don’t plan to do either. Would the best thing be to have them send it via “services”, then?



Ahh okay! I wasnt sure if that was the case since I just removed my bank from an old account I had to double check. Now I know lol.

But sending it as services is the best option! Theres more protection for you and the buyer if anything should happen. if you recieve one too many payments via family/friends, paypal can freeze your account if they suspect you're doing it to get around fees - which is why so many people recommend having payment sent via services.

Though it's on the person sending the money to make sure they switch the option from friends/family --> goods/services. They can also put in no shipping address needed and you save time from having to do that yourself.



Got it, thanks so much for the help! I’m super new to PayPal, so this explanation was a godsend! I’ll remember to tell my buyers to send via services from now on (even though I’ve only had one person send me money so far!) <3


Wish I knew about this place a month or so ago! Would of been nice as heck to refer to the artist to this for a bit of fyi. Was an adopt maker (If memory serves correctly) and it was going for x price but when it came time to do the invoice they added to the price! I asked nicely ofc what that was about and they said it was for the fees and that it was the JOB OF THE BUYER TO COVER!!! I already knew it was not, as part of the whole concept of getting to use paypal, it is up to the seller but they decided to get uppity instead.

Omg I was livid. Safe to say that didn't follow thru as no way in hell I was paying for last minute hidden charge/fees. That is just rude in of itself, regardless of the reason they want it do it. THIS tho makes me happy as now I can refer them to this if I run into others who try that.

So point of my babble (no matter how old this thread is) THANK YOU for posting it !!!


I've had an incident where I sent the money to the seller, and afterwards they told me I didn't send enough to cover the fees. Even though nowhere in their rules it said that I had to cover them, and they wanted me to send the payment for the fee separately and to cover THAT fee as well.


Yes ❤️ This is so important to know, both for sellers and buyers.