LF Worlds to join

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by TheStrayCat

I am looking to try again at role plays and am seeking someone else's world or established RP to join. I don't mind if you create a new world for us, but I would like to feel comfortable using one of my not main characters (as I am paranoid about someone being stolen again) however this doesn't mean my character would be any less developed or thought out.

I am 23 years old, in case that influences anyone, and would prefer to do things on here. I have my own thread with more detail shown here: https://toyhou.se/~forums/12.worlds/79932.veteran-returning-to-rp-advice-tent-seeking- But I am willing to bend the rules to fit into whatever you have planne.

I have feral, human, anthro, and human/feral shifter characters of all ages, types, and personalities so I can adapt to whatever you prefer (though I do enjoy writing for males or nonbinary characters most). 

Please just let me know! I'd like to try writing again :)


You'd be welcome to join my pirate-verse.


@Todddddd Sure, I'd check it out! Thank you for the offer :)

Chibi-roleplays That sounds pretty neat. I have a lot of mod/admin experience but not for this site, so if you want me to help members follow the rules then I can do that until I understand your world better. 

What would be the rules on anthros? And can I ask for more detail on the shapeshifters? Are they humans with feral forms? Or just people who can change faces like a skinwalker? I'd be interested! 

Aposematism ♕ TheStrayCat

Chibi-roleplays Oh, i can't use my discord or my dA so I'm fairly hard to contact in comparison to the other admins, so disregard that! I'd be willing to try being a mod in your world if you'd like, but i might just be too inconvenient aha 

Anyway, i hear what you're saying! I think my archer catto Apose would be fun here, I'll post IC as them. They just need a human form i will work on getting a reference for. 

If animal companions are allowed, then I could also use my human gal Neras and her ferret, Flinche. https://toyhou.se/1153704.-neras

Either way, I'd try joining! :)