Free Semi-Custom Whirbets - ARPG CS (New Thread)

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by aquapyrofan


3 Votes Yes
2 Votes No
2 Votes Maybe
2 Votes Can't get an EvoCrit account

Whirbets World is an ARPG featuring two species of herbivorous fluffballs, the Whirbets and the Minibets.  Whirbets World is part of EvoCrit, and as such requires an EvoCrit account to participate in or obtain Whirbets, Minibets, items, and currency (the site is also an ARPG tracker for all the information necessary for the ARPG).  I am making free semi-custom Whirbets in order to get more interest in the ARPG and species.

Please fill out the following form to request a Whirbet:

Whirbet Name:
Body Element:
Bow/Ears Element:
Nose Element:
Tail Element:
EvoCrit Username:

Whirbet names must be two syllables.  A guide to the Whirbet elements can be found at the preceeding link.

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