❤♠Art trades!♠❤ (open)

Posted 4 years, 20 days ago (Edited 4 years, 19 days ago) by Blazen (Sona)💀 Just_ch1ll_403

idk what I'm doing..

2 Votes .-.
1 Votes ._.

This is my first time doing this so bare with me..

Slots 1.https://toyhou.se/UselessBarrel87 ( halfbody) https://toyhou.se/2939603.tbn/4887736.ref-sheet

2. 3.

Use this template Type of art:(headshot,half body,full body) Art style:(original,lineliss,substitute plush,traditional) Who you are going to draw for me?:(https://toyhou.se/Altdeletetheproto/characters/folder:993180) Ref sheet & Extra details:(stuff I need to draw you'res) You're carictors ref sheet:

Art styles:

Original (can do headshots,half body,full body) https://ibb.co/kcHLtgs

Lineliss(only for headshots) https://ibb.co/vYxtkrk

Subsatute plush(only full body) https://ibb.co/TB8mQQq

Traditional (only in original art style) https://ibb.co/9yJykZz

Pointy:(can do headshots,full body,halfbody) https://ibb.co/HFzWcc4


Yes please! I'll get to work on my side of the bargain!


Alright I have finished my side how about youre's?