Trading Icons for Art! (Closed/Working)

Posted 7 months, 7 days ago (Edited 6 months, 17 days ago) by studiomaz

Hello there! A while back I did a number of art trades for my little select-your-character icon, and I thought I would start that back up again while I finish up some commissions on my plate! So here's the deets.

I am seeking art of the following characters. Their references are in the tabs, and if they have an outfits tab, you're welcome to draw them in any one there!

10984119?1700171818 24897296?1703035490 19337244?1673305647 24758389?1703876108 25050896?1707944364 24198226?169911763625912700?1708540598

24891261?1703019414 18938866?1696135910 711510?1669264100 5335059?1693958101 25776066?1707945569 19741879?1673923791

I am offering: Animated YCH icons

You can find my collection of 2000+ completed icons here! I sell them for $10 each if you needed a specific value for them.

Please let me know what you are offering, who you would like to draw, and how many icons you would like! I will try to take on as many as I can, but might have to close from time to time in order to work on things.

Currently working on:

avoarte x1 // BlueOnyx x12


coffeebean x8 // spideyscribbles x2 // krissysempaiart x5 // Square_of_Heart x1 // Lain005 x1 // mufifins x3 // XxRosarioxX x2 // lokicuddly x2 // loidge x6 // Kiwi_bunny x3 // merucetamol x5 // sonderrr x4 // DoktorrSketchy x6 // asakiiras x7


Ohhh, I absolutely ADORE these icons of yours and always wanted you to commission for a batch when I had some spare money! I’d totally be down to trade for some symmetrical icons of my own! (As seen here at the top!) These are super quick for me depending on details, but not to overwhelm myself, I’d probably set to a limit of 10 or 12!


Hi hi!!! So these are so adorbs and I’d LOVE to trade w you :D I can offer a regular headshot icon in return for one of these! (It’d have a simple color bg n a little emote/shape if u want :3)

here are my examples! They’d probably be done in a style similar to this one but just a headshot !!


studiomaz I finished my half and sent it over!


merucetamol  // Oh my gosh it would be a joy to draw for you again!  ;o;  I'm utterly in love with your chibis, would you be interested in drawing any of those you picked for 5 icons?

avoarte  // I'd be more than happy to trade an icon for an icon if that interested you!  :D

Kiwi_bunny // I would be so down for that, I love your art!  :D  I can't wait to get working for you!

mufifins // Oh your art is SO stinking lovely, I'd be more than happy to do the icons in exchange for a headshot!  Just let me know who you'd like drawn and I'll be happy to get working <3

DoktorrSketchy // omg I'm so in love with those dynamic portraits, would you be interested in 6 icons for one?  your art is STELLAR and I've had such a great time with your characters, it'd be an honor ;A; <333

BlueOnyx // oh I ADORE your icons, would you be interested in maybe doing 1 or two for 2 icons each?  :D

Lain005 //  I would love that, your art is so lovely ;A;  Let me know who you'd like drawn and I can get working on that!


That’d be fine!!! Would you like to pick the characters again or do u want me to offer some :))))


merucetamol I'd be down to pick, but totally let me know if there's any characters you're super craving icons for!  :D


studiomaz yes ofc!!! I'd love to <3
Do you have a preference between griselda and fernweh who I draw?


DoktorrSketchy Oh that sounds wonderful!!  I'd love to see your take on Griselda if that works okay for you, and totally feel free to slap your refs here or note me if that's easier <3


I’m more than happy for u to pick!!! Also just so I’m getting this right, am I drawing all the ones I suggested or just one?


merucetamol That sounds good for me!  :D  And I'd be down with just one chibi for the 5 icons for now if that's all good, I wouldn't want to put a ton on your plate!  


Ok sweet!! I’ll get on it as soon as I can :))) thanks so much!!!!


Could you draw him? I'll make my piece for Emmeline!


Absolutely!! How about 2 icons of yours for one of mine and I'll add some minimal shading and what not? I don't mind doing 5 or 6 (so 10 or 12 of yours unless you think it's too much, if so, then we can do a smaller trade, no problem!) and do more down the line if we feel like it!!


BlueOnyx oh gosh if you'd be down for it, I could totally do the 10-12 icons for those!  :D  I just don't want to pile too much on you, and I'm always happy to do repeat trades as well!  o/  Totally let me know who you'd like me to draw (either here or in a note if that's easier), and I'm so excited to get working!

mufifins that sounds perfect to me, and I can totally do the bun forms!!  and omg i'm over the moon, it's so hard finding people who are okay with drawing au ra horns ;A;  thank you so so much!!