Android Apk

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SnowBelleTheKitsune

I know a LOT of people who love Toyhouse and would be really appreciative if it could turn into an APK with the possibility of mass uploading character art AFTER the initial character setup, especially if the art is all from the same artist/creator. Would this be a possibility in the near future?? 


This has been brought up before and I don't think anyone on the staff is knowledgeable on programming for Android. All Android phones are different and require plenty of bug testing, which would be difficult with a limited staff. And then if an Android app comes out the iphone people would want one, and programming for iphone and getting it store-legal is an incredibly arduous and expensive process (basically impossible for such a small site). 

The site is already mostly mobile friendly, so this likely will never be considered.

Mass uploading is already a Premium feature.


Uh i create one if u want ^w^