Recently got Premium, profile now legacy? SOLVED

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by DelythThomasArt

So I recently purchased Premium and my profile now when I view it displays as the legacy version of Toyhouse. Not sure why this is a thing? As i have the site set to the dark mode.


Ahh thank you. It's just very jarring XD


After rummaging in my settings turning legacy layouts seems to have fixed the issue x


(i know it says solved but shh just in case, as well as for other peeps)

Koatty and also ofc OP in case you guys havent found it yet

you can change your profile to regular layout here -->, it's a dropdown at the very top, easily missed because of all the big text boxes underneath

(you can also turn of legacy layouts overall on the display settings; this will cause other profiles on legacy to show up regular for you)