Suggestion: Review Service Reviews

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 10 months ago) by Authorized

Is this necessary?

22 Votes Yes! I am tired of personal PSAs clogging the board
16 Votes Of course not! let users decide for themselves
3 Votes I guess???
6 Votes Not really, but I see where you are coming from
0 Votes Yes! This has happened to me.

Has enough time passed for me not to be calling anyone directly out?

I've noticed that while most of the PSAs are valid PSAs occasionally one or two crop up that seem more personal than actual a service warning and there appears no way to prevent that. This is unusual as most sites with a service reviews section have some sort of moderation to ya know prevent false accusations from running someone's name through the mud. I understand the staff may not want to review every PSA or hire someone to do it, but they are opening up this site to lawsuits if they allow someone to publish a slanderous review and it hurts someone's business enough.

It is really up to the users to go into the PSA and see the evidence or lack-there-of, but you still have the possibility of someone recognizing a name from the title of a bad PSA and not looking any further. I mean there is one such PSA that has the accused's username as the title, but if you click in it only then do you see it is "resolved" with no actual evidence with what said person did. To be blunt that is malice on the part of the OP.

Therefore I suggestion that either: 

a) PSAs are only posted after reviewed by a staff. Less work overall and less likely to be biased.

or b) there is a peer review system where PSAs are posted but validated by other users and marked as a valid review with a tab saying either "Verified", "Unverified", "More Info Required" or "Biased". The review starts out as "Unverified" but if enough people agree that the PSA is warranted then it will switch to "Verified". If the PSA is clearly personal than people can vote "Biased" or "More Info Required" and the OP can either add more evidence to strengthen their case and get the Verified rating or the staff remove it after say a week. 

Basically there needs to be a better way to ensure that PSAs made out of spite aren't allowed through. I mean at this point drama blogs has more regulations than this site. 


Physically bumping this up. You can't tell me the past week hasn't proven this needs to be a thing.


Thought this might be needed again.