[Suggestion] Hide/Fix tags on character profile

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by Tegmelko

So ?

302 Votes YES
6 Votes NO

Hello !
I've noticed a bunch of other stuffs about tags that needs to be fixed, and make whats suggested a bit more clear. So heres the new updated thread !
Please let me know what you think (even if you already voted) and if it deserve to have a new thread instead or not.

•Tags messing up the profiles when there is too many of them:


I plan on the future, to organise my character better, to use tags, a LOT of tags, maybe ?
and I've noticed while looking at other characters, that having too much tags looks weird on a profile.
• It could be collapsed like suggested by some people on this thread and showcased by tomorrow here:
• A box with a max height, scrollable once reached.

•Tags messing up with tags organisation when they are too long:

Another thing caught my eyes: long tags mess up with the organisation of the tags.
The long tag ends up not being seen and can make some tags disapears on the side.
A way to fix that is to cut the longest tag so it doesnt go throught the limit, and hovering it to see the full tag.

•Hide specific tags from public:

Some people on this thread suggested to be able to hide from public specific tags. Either for spoilers, personal organisation that wouldn't be interesting for the viewers to see, or personal reason.
I dont know how that could be made, but this is another suggestion !


This seems like a good idea; maybe if it's possible you could select which tags to hide? (like for me I'd probably just hide "v" since that's just a personal tag for me about which characters are visible and which are not haha)


celestiials - seems good too !


Seems like a helpful idea! Good way to cut down on an overwhelming amount of tags somebody trying to view your characters might have to sort through.



People do tend to put too much tags on their characters, which is why I always put WAY less tags on mine to avoid clutter, but good idea!


+1 I like organizing by tags and it helps for making characters easier to search for, but that clutter upsets me endlessly.


+1 Dear lord, please 

Also, a suggestion for your situation! Maybe you can tag invisible characters with #i and extag that tag for the visible ones? That way people won't see that tag ;v;


Magical bump ~


I thinking being able to collapse the tags would be great.


+1, though I'd use a collapse option much more there might be some tags I use in the future that could be considered spoilers for my works. I'd prefer to keep those private and just use them for my own searching and organizational uses.


+1, and additional support for a collapse feature! I tag my characters by MBTI types, alignments, and I'm working on archetypes so it's helpful, but also chaotic to look at.


Magical bump ~

