Art Terminology?

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by PlushPvppy

There might already be a thread like this out there, but I haven't been able to find it (or wasn't looking in the right spot), so I decided to ask away. I'm pretty new to the online art community, so I haven't learned all the lingo and terminology. Is there a thread out there with a list, or perhaps someone would be willing to comment them here? I'm referring to "F2U", "NUFT" "UFT", "NFS", "OTA", "BTA", etc. My scrambled brained would really appreciate the help!


f2u  - free to use

nuft - not up for trade

uft - up for trade

nfs - not for sale

ota - offer to adopt

bta - bid to adopt