LF Rainbow bullet points?

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by TheStrayCat

Anybody have the code for bullet points that alternate the colours of the rainbow? Like the first one is read, then the second is orange, and so on, up to purple? 

I am looking to do some coding illustrating how much my sonas are like me, started with my self insert at red, and so on, to the one that is least like me in personality, but I can't seem to find any coding for it D: I remember dA had coloured bullet points years ago so I was hoping there'd be some here, too! 


Without CSS, I'm afraid it's not possible.
The DA bullet points were images embedded as thumbs. You could try something similar with in-line bullet images?


Fontawesome is my new drug, haha. Thanks for the heads up! 


Thank you for the suggestion and ideas !