show me your My Hero Academia OCs :))

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Hugo Vaughn hydroxyzine777

yeehaw hello there fellow weebs and dweebs

please show me your bnha ocs and introduce them to me!!!

this is Hugo. his quirk is Blood Dragon, which is a special form of hemokinesis (blood related telekenisis) that along all the regular hemokenetic stuff lets him create dragon-like, cognizant creatures that will do as told/willed. with enough blood to work with, he can fully cover himself in a dragon-like form.. he can use his own blood or the blood of others :). im pretty sure hes going to wind up as a vigilante! still working on a name (maybe Exsanguinate?)

(also ive been mulling this over, would it be too unbelievable that hes related to Stain? im thinking his mom could be his half sister, who has a blood telekenisis quirk, and his father a man with a quirk that essentially makes him a were dragon. PLEASE let me know what you think, whether this is suitable or unbelievable)

some drawbacks of his quirk are that he can draw too much blood from himself, which might make him dizzy or even pass out, and he has to eat a lot of iron and sugar rich foods. a benefit is that he creates blood at a much faster rate than the average person, replenishing volume lost in a short period of time.

one of his greatest fears is to accidentally take too much blood from a wounded innocent in battle. he tries to get the consent of people that have been wounded when he fights, but his greatest fear is not paying attention and taking too much from them, possibly killing them. 

he uses his own blood too, usually slicing into his wrists to get at it. over time this developed into a compulsive self harming habit hes trying to get out of. 

i dunno, just feel free to gush about your characters!! i really like to hear about other peoples oc's

thank you!! :)))

Reserved: Ciyabloodland-Jaden Carnage

[Akio is my main BNHA OC but I've got a folder full of em]

Quirk: Can shift into different animals.
- To be able to shift into that particular animal, he has to have seen the animal at least once irl. Luckily, when he was younger, he loves to go to the zoo and ocean park as well as a petting zoo. For example: He cannot shapeshift into a zebra or lynx because he has never seen one.
- When he shapeshifts into an animal, the base fur colour is always the colour of his hair (minus the markings) so for example: if he was to shapeshift into a cheetah, the fur would be white EXCEPT for the markings. Same thing goes with jaguars, tigers, etc. 

Height: 5'4
Hair Colour: Platinum Blond
Eyes: Green right eye and blue left eye
Animal he prefers to shift into: Snow Leopard or Polar Bear
Pet: He has a pet Eastern Blue-Tongued Skink named Poppy. Akio usually keeps her in his hoodie pocket where she likes to sleep. 

Akio is very sensitive and easily frightened. He still doesn't have complete control over his quirk and animalistic urges (When he shifts into an animal).

Extra: The scars on his face are scars from when he was taken by the villain group (he had to wear a painful muzzle), that soon tried to make a deal with the League of Villains. The group that took him is also known as 'The Cleaners'. They used him for research...usually.