Show me your evil/chaotic and stylish characters!

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by  Serion Auphaptres SymeSynth

I know this is a very niche concept, but I kinda wanna see all the characters here that are essentially Bill Cipher-esque, with a particular combination of villainy/chaos and style.

Extra points if your characters have a dapper style.

Raymond Dilozilla

He's great at blowing things up without messing up his tie 

Fluctuant_Nocturne LocalHypnoFruit

Big fan of fellas who mess things up royally and look good while doing it. >:] 

See also: Russet and Kuiper

Emerson sydzbatz

Cowboy fashion vampire

Emerald Moritz knifeyrus

them,, justice within injustice personified

 Enigma Seapixxel

I had to pick this dude when you used bill as Example lol. But for my actual answer Rain<3 

Rain is the conductor of a ghost train. The main people that ride the train are "monsters" and such. Humanoids that can hide among humans use the train a lot to travle between human cities and "monster" settlements and whatnot. He is kinda an annoying boss but his employees get used to it. (his bio is old but it has a bit of evil /manipulating vibes if I remember correctly😅) 

Neonye veegoesvroom

pure chaotic neutral 

also destroyed an entire nuclear power plant

✿Catsero✿ Ferikkusu

Catsero is the most evil of my characters. Even in character. Always for shedding someone else's Blood