Show me your deities

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 9 months ago) by yonah

I admit, I'm a sucker for deity/god OCs. Got any cool ones? Post them here!

Cinta ducclord

Main angel/deity of love! I also got a couple more lovelies like

i was boutta add more but now that i think about it, most of my other deities are just branches of love sdjjdf
Ketsueki sappa

This guy is a demigod, but in this universe thats a pretty high rank to hold! He’s the demigod of superstition

Aelius | $40 Sqitz

I have this boy Aelius who is a sun god and I’m in the middle of making his other half Astennu who is a moon god

The Judge CanineKing

i guess he's a deity in someway? he's the one responsible for looking into people's lives and judging them in the afterlife and i'm still pretty happy w/ how they turned out

Mononoake Sp00kE

Mononoake is a forest spirit/god that protects a Japanese forest <3

Anteros Tenshi_Yoru

Anteros is the goddess of love ❤️ unfortunately I'm still working on her story and world so there isn't much I can say about her yet

 POLOLŪ HoloLynx

Pololū is a demi-goddess who resides in an underwater volcano.

 Unknown Yokuzumi

I have a handful of deities but here's my chaotic one :)

Berkeley MasterShortpants

I have a whole pantheon of deities that's growing over time, buuuuuut because there's so many of those ones it feels silly highlighting one over the other. So instead, here's a deity from another universe entirely!

Berkeley is the Deity of Rebirth, created with the intent of acting as a sort of mediator between the deities of life and decay after the warring of the pair's previous incarnations got them both killed. They're not thrilled about the whole affair - Especially the part where they've been reborn with the knowledge of all eight of their past lives, which Berkeley sees as having been ripped from them, to put them, in their ninth and final life, in a position of power and responsibility they didn't ask for and feel unprepared to handle.

They didn't really take it well. They... may have decided to run away from their godly responsibilities instead.

It's fine! I'm sure it's fine. It's- It'll be fine, right? I'm sure those two won't get each other killed while Berkeley is gone, yeah? It's fine.

 LILIΛR endiria

A super old character of mine, weird being from an old legend. Kind of light deity. ✨ ~9 yrs ago they used to be a cute angelic loli, now I find this creation really disquieting

Verdict the Zmey Tarnish

Verdict is a former deity, but is still seen as one by many