Your character obtains the Infinity Gauntlet

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by varkarrus

Thanos gets his ass whooped, and the heroes throw the gauntlet into a portal outside of reality so it can never be used again... but instead it lands next to your OC.

What does your OC do?

bonus points if you draw it

Liz (Elizabeth) Lockwood honeyshuckle

Liz uses it as an 'aesthetic' flower vase, ignoring when her friends come over and express notable concern.

Joey.D.wyvern Joey-D-yvern

Joey throws it on her treasure hoard and probably eats or tries to eat the infinity gems. I mean she does eat gems so, she would think they are tasty. She would use the (empty) gauntlet as a backscratcher and continue with her life Occasionally telling others about it.

"Yeah, it just appeared by me so, I kept it... what do you mean that's a bad idea?"

Salvador Morturi PalewindGaming

He gets pinned underneath it because it's too heavy for his -1 Str muscles to pick up.

 Loki Laufeyson Junee

Destroy the Norns/the concept of fate because screw you, you can't tell him how to live his life!

Vague Infinity War spoilers...

Also snap Thanos' neck because when you fuck with Loki, you get fucked.