Ask a question to the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Amvira varkarrus

So it'll go like this: A person posts a question to the above user's OC. Then, after a new person posts a question, the first person edits their post to have an answer.


Something like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

then Person A edits their post so it's like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?
No, I absolutely could not take Goku on in a fight, have you seen that guy?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


EDIT: Try and ask questions that lead to the development of characters!

EDIT2: Cant believe this needs to be said, but make your posts legible!!!!

EDIT3: Also. Read the person's profile before you ask a question!
Follow these rules or I'll implement a banlist!


I'll edit this post to include a response to the next person's question, once somebody posts!

(re: "Do you enjoy sitting in a garden to relax?")
"A garden? Pfeh! What kind of pansy-ass garbage is that? Lemme tell you how I relax! A warm, musty couch, some snacks, and video games! Hah!" ((But to be honest, she might enjoy just lounging around under a tree on a hot day))

Theo Hart TheLadyAnatola

"Oh, so you feed on... dream inspiration...? What would you say that tastes like then? Does the subject of the dream's reverie change the quality of it when you feed on it, and if so, have you ever unintentionally fed on something bad?"

"I guess you could say if I had the option, I would've really liked it if... I could've just stayed back home and worked on the family farm. I loved the land, the animals, and I wouldn't have had any problems with one day inheriting it... but of course my father wouldn't have let me be myself if he was going to pass it off to me. I really think if he could've just accepted me as I am, then I would've been perfectly happy with life on the farm." He sighs and shakes his head. "But he's just not like that. Maybe one day if I save up enough money, I could buy myself some land and start from scratch... but that's a long way away if it'll ever happen." He pauses a moment to compose himself before giving a sincere smile. "You never know though, it might just work out someday. And to answer your other question, I don't have any sour feelings about the things my father made me learn. I think I would've learned horseback riding anyway, and it's one of my favorite stress relievers to go out riding with my horse, Roy. And while I'm not all that fond of having to use guns and all, I'm actually glad he forced me to learn. It's a useful skill to have out here with all these outlaws roaming about, and it's saved my life more times than I would've expected."

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Henrietta "Henri" Harperton Mochagatari

"Wow. Just wondering, but...doesn't it ever get kinda crazy with so many spouses and so many kids? What's the biggest pro and con about it?"

"Mom and Dad? ...Eh, I think they're fine. After all, Mom was the one who told me to do the exchange program in the first place; "broaden your horizons", all that crap. And I'm sure Julie and Mac can live without their big sister for a year. And I haven't contacted them yet--I don't know if I can, I seem be stuck in a whole other world at the moment. So, they don't know the Knights are vampires. Though, given how things have turned out, maybe that's good. I don't want them to get in trouble."

Capsaicin reinapepiada

(OOC) How is your family doing? Do you keep in contact with them? Do they know anything about your current situation?


She cringes a bit at the fact. "Ugh... I'm trained enough that everytime I think about it my mind gets blurry. It's for my own good, but it makes this all rather frustrating." she sighs. "As for my own feelings, regardless if I believe it or not... I would be very disappointed on us. That's it. But I wouldn't go back, since I don't have any security that we're really going to save the day. Not in the literal sense, but if I can't know what really happened, then there's no point... I guess." but guilt does eat at her a little bit. How could they?

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Haley Cheetah SnowyCheetah

"oooh! You can draw, huh? Will you draw me if I give you money?"

 John Stevens BlankStorefront

"Do you ever just get full on sick of your job, or any job you've had? What did, or would you do about it?"


"Ah, only three. I'd like to look out for more."

Aether Milkman

"How many of those decorative eyepatches do you own? I'd like to have one myself."

"My father introduced me to it, but it wasn't him who taught me. His advisor became my mentor in spellsinging. It's kind of like that, but it isn't just the words that you memorize, but it's how you sing it. If you were to sing a very melancholy song, the people hear it would definitely slow down in movement because their bodies (not their mind) are responding to sadness.

 Himari SweetasSaccharine

"So, how did you learn to do spellsinging? Is it like memorizing spells and singing them? It seems really helpful."


"Haha no, you're cool." She replied, "Hmm... Well, Mea and I were experiments. Some scientists were trying to clone angels or something. And I kinda got sick of living underground. I wanted to be free and experience the world. So I left..." 

She sighs, "It's not like they were cruel or anything. I just didn't like living like that. I kinda missed them all after a while, but I felt too nervous to visit. What if they were mad at me for leaving?"

Abbey YunaNoire

"Is there perhaps a reason why you hadn't seen your sister Alamea in a while~? If that's too personal, I apologize! I simply wish to know more about you, that is all~"

She sighs, cupping her head in the palm of her hand, her eyelids closing. "It can sometimes take years for another traveler to happen upon the mansion and while I do enjoy the presence of my friends in their petrified states, sometimes it can be nice to have someone to talk to, right~? Even if it's for just a moment or two, if I depetrify someone's head for a few seconds, then I can stave off that melancholy for a few more years~"

Shaking her head, she then opened her eyes and smiled. "Otherwise... I see no reason to de-stone them~! They're my guests after all and if I released them, they'd just leave! It's all for the best, I promise you~<3"

exe.sorcist reinapepiada

(OOC) Under what circumstances would you de-stone those you petrified?


"My intelligence as a fact, is evergrowing. It is difficult to estimate how complex it is by comparing it to human intelligence. I am imrpoving myself everyday, but I'm not programmed to be human; only to be an Artificial Intelligence.

It's also difficult to explain the complexity of my intelligence because my coding has turned foreign to others the more I improved it. In theory it's what allows me to perform all I do, but in practice I would be explaining something only I can process. However, I hope my explanation is good enough to appease your curiosity.

Interacting with users is what my pattern of behavior has been based on. I act this way with malign software, so they will believe I'm another of their users and I'll have more opportunities to purify them. These are the only ways I employ my social intelligence, and while it's immensely important for my performance, I don't employ empathy or emotions to my software when I interact with my own memory instances. I only have a very basic reward mechanism that I have in common with purified software, which encourages one to keep doing the right thing. I consider this rudimentary, but functional enough, though not something to be qualified as human nature either, no matter if there's some similarities."

 Hiroshi Iona mathpope

OOC // How complex is your intelligence? Are you more or less human; do you experience emotion or otherwise display human characteristics outside of what's necessary to interact with users? 

Alcott Northwind PicklePantry

"How'd you meet your husbands?"

"My youngest is a junior in high school, but she's already looking into colleges. My son after her lives with me, if you can call it that. One's in college, studying chemical engineering, and the other's in law school. They inherited my wings, although some have only white wings, some only black, and some just have one wing. They don't change with the moon like I do, but I've noticed some have powers over fire. Even water. Imagine that.
"As for history, I teach high school so I don't get to focus on a specific era. I teach US history. If I had a choice, I'd like to teach the Great Depression."

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