Similar OCs! (game)

Posted 7 years, 27 days ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Floss jeb

Pretty simple game!

Find an OC that is similar to the OC above you, whether it be design-wise, personality-wise, story-wise, or detail-wise! I mean, anything in common works, even small things like if both OC's had purple tails.

If you're looking for someone with an alike OC to roleplay your character with, or just want a friend/partner/family member/etc for your OC, then you've found the perfect game!

Please try using a character with a complete story. If they do not have a completed story, atleast use a character who you presume would have something similar to somebody else's character.

If you don't get a reply in 24 hrs, try again using a different character.

And so on and so forth!

I will begin with my favorite character, Floss. What does your OC have in common with him? Floral powers? Floating wings? Large ears? Kind disposition? :O

 Kakoi Kimura raikufu

They both have a red right eye and a blue left eye!

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Jon Wheelison Cinnabad

3d glasses train but with diff colors

Jean d'Armerie mooniee

Also wears glasses (but not 3D glasses) and their hair is similar too! 

Kove moryonenn

They have the same favourite colour, blue.

Ismaël "Hans" Schirch fuelli

Also mixed, and loves the sea! 

Agnès Alexg47

Also French

Theo (ESCAPE) hedgemaze

Also excitable and often wears a mask and gloves

Alex Raneri Lonestarcelt

Also constantly talks 

Эфрам Вадимович Revvin_in_Red

Is also a multi-ethnic Aries with unkempt hair and ear piercings.

 humbug ShinyM36

Also Has piercings and plays drums

Glaucio Goldenqilin

Also has no family

Walter Lilina

Also lived in an orphanage

 Blue kittengeist

also has blue hair and likes nature