Most Likely To... [Game!]

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Blossomfall

Hi everyone! I've been playing this game with my friends, but I realized it can very easily be adapted for OC purposes, so here we are!  The idea is that you ask a question that begins with 'Most likely to..." to the person below you, and then they reply with one of their OCs and pose a question to the person below them and so on, like this:

Example of How to Play:
Person A: Most likely to listen to classical music?
Person B (as their oc): My OC ____!  They love to play on the violin, so I can see this happening.
Most likely to hoard cat memes on their computer?
Person C (as their oc): My OC ___ fits the bill!  They love kittens!
Most likely to... (etc.)

The length of your reasoning is entirely up to you!  Feel free to PM me should any concerns come up, and most importantly, have fun!  c:

Most likely to win a hot dog eating competition?

♢ Ricky Trolluminati

"Kid with ridiculous hair storms Buckingham Palace with an army of cats" - Something like that?

Most likely to forget their keys

[ Jaeli ] Zalimeow

My Oc Jaeli would certainly forget his keys!

Most likely to eat shaped playdough thinking its actual food

Californio reinapepiada

Has eaten plastic food, he's not above that.

Most likely to hurt their fingers by eating/biting their nails too much

 ✈️ Snarbs physics

my Garbage Self. im hurting right now


Most likely to get married after three dates?

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Carrtier Jacobson Lonestarcelt

More out of laziness than forgetfulness

Most likely to get banned from a convention 


 Vera Blackwood Whiona

Vera, because she'd try to bring in real weapons she made and probably break a few laws in the process

Most likely to vape


Obvi, she's got a smoking problem.


Most likely to mix up 'how's it going' and 'what's up' when trying to speak and instead saying 'how's up' as a result


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Rick Concolor Lemonburgers

Rick really doesn't like seeing other people taking his style and tries to convince himself that he pulls it off better than the other person with varying results.

Most likely to unintentionally make a masterpiece?

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 Akira Diabolical

With his powers, he doesn't need such things. They'd help to some degree, but he'd prefer not to take them. He's suspicious of medicines and such in the first place.


Most likely to save themselves over loved ones. 

Ruffles reinapepiada

There might be other contenders, but this girl won't sacrifice herself for anyone unless it's fun

Most likely to never check the correct pronounciation of a word they've been pronunciating wrong the whole time

Avaritia tori34

Avie could be told the correct pronouciation of something and will continue to say it her way just out of spite.


Most likely to hug a complete stranger and make things awkward?