Your OC Takes Care of the OC Above

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 15 hours ago) by PicklePantry

Because I'm sick and I want to know what would happen >:'[

The OC above you is sick. Caught a nasty cold. Nasty. Maybe it's the flu, idk.
Your OC is the only one that can take care of them. What do they do?

OC 1: I'm sick.
OC 2: I'll make you soup so you feel better.
OC 3: I don't really care, so have some Tylenol.

- Wait after 3 other people have posted before you post again, unless 12 hours have passed.
- Claim limit is 3 hours.
- Don't be too rude or lewd.
- You can give a prompt or notes, but it's not required.
- No post length limit. Write as much as you like, but do not be upset at smaller replies.

Your OC is gets hurt more than sick? Try this game:
The OC Above is Hurt

Dr. Ambrose Blakewell sillyvamp

“Holy cannoli, how do I even take care of a bloody animatronic?” Ambrose sighed, rubbing his temples. He’s only doing this as a dare his friend offered, and he’s already regretting it so much. “I treat blood, not oil and metal…do I look like a mechanic?” His words were interrupted by a loud sneeze from the fox, as Ambrose swallowed his spite and did his best to treat the lad.

“You know what? I didn’t spend 8 years in med school just to wuss out from a robot. I’ve seen all sorts of species, this should be nothing.” Ambrose regained his confidence, analyzing the animatronic as best as possible. Whipping out a stethoscope and thermometer was pointless, as the fox had no heartbeat nor temperature. “Hm. At least we both can relate there. Anyways, I’m running out of ideas—“ Ambrose was cut off by another spurt of oil. Squealing in disgust, he quickly ran away and returned with some tissues to stuff in the fox’s nose. 

“There. I hope that’ll hold it off.” This was really out of Ambrose’s field of knowledge. His degree is in hematology, not mechanics, obviously he wouldn’t be of much use. He wanted to do something, even just a small thing, if it meant his dare would be successful. He flew out of the room and returned with a blanket, tissue box, and cough drops. An alarm was faint in the distance—did he seriously steal these? Hopefully not, but if he did, it was for the greater good. 

“Lay down. Yes, on the bed. No, I don’t want another bloody cupcake—just SIT!” Ambrose started shouting, before catching his volume and gently pushing the fox down onto the mattress. “Oh my, I’m sorry for yelling! I just got a bit heated up.” Ambrose bowed in genuine remorse, surprisingly. He tossed the blanket onto the creature, placing both the cough drops and tissue box onto a nearby counter. He carefully stuffed a single drop into her mouth, hoping that by some miracle, some item made for human consumption could work on an animatronic. By this point, it had already been 9:45 PM, and Ambrose was antsy to leave, so he politely kissed the fox’s hand and walked to the door.

“And a word of advice? Lay off on the cupcakes—the sugar levels are insanely unhealthy!” Ambrose giggled, waving away before stepping out of the door.


@ NP, Ambrose is a doctor (specifically hematologist)—albeit retired, though his city is well known for all sorts of supernatural illnesses. For the sake of game + simplicity though, let’s just say the poor lad caught a flu after a night of hunting for blood. He’d treat it himself, but hematology only goes so far for influenza, so it’s all up to your oc! ;D 

 Jericho Wey _Deadweight_

"Yeah, you got the flu alright." Jericho took his hand away from the Doctor's forehead, turning to his left where a few items just for the occasion. He'd grab a bottle of medication, twist the cap off, and shake out a couple into his hand. Then he'd hold it out to him, "Take these, should be lessened within the day. Lay down in my bed and just let it run its course. I'll drive you to the clinic if you really need to." He would also give him medication to relieve his 

He'd lead him to his bedroom, grabbed another blanket from the closet, and layered him up on the mattress. He'd make sure the temperature was comfortable, as well as set a TV and remote nearby, in case he wanted some entertainment during his sickness. "I'll make up some soup for you, something easy on your stomach. Make sure to stay hydrated too; small sips, y'know." He placed a bottle of water on the end table and relayed he'd check up on him every so often. "If you need me quick, you got my phone number, just call and I'll come runnin'. Otherwise, just try to relax and that'll be all done real quick."

Jericho wasn't the most doctoring of individuals, but if you're under his care, you're sure to be at least comfortable and eat good food while with him. He knows enough to keep someone away from death for sure. Ambrose would be no different.

7 stars wickerbeastinabasket

Uh have water I dunno what to do uh wait here I’m just going to uh call uh My friend uh you there 2 cold nights …………………. Uh Okay …………….. so what do I do about it …………………… uh Okay …………… okay bye ………….. anyway uh theres nothing I can do really sooooooooooo 

Chinatsu Kishi meltylandnightmare

"Oh, you poor thing~" Chinatsu cooed, gently patting the creature's head. With their lack of mouth, would they even be able to take any medicine, she wondered? In fact, would human medicine even work at all on them? She hummed thoughtfully, continuing to stroke them. Well, it wasn't like she was in a rush. It'd be nice to have them rely on her for a bit, after all.

"I'm afraid I'm a little out of my element here... I may not be able to heal you, but why don't you rest on my lap for a while? Sleep revitalizes the spirit, after all~"

mephone6s diior

Taking care of a stranger wasn’t on 6s’s to-do list today. Nevertheless, here she sat, with a sick stranger laying her head in her lap. 

6s wasn’t sure what to do here. Considering he was a robot and all, getting sick wasn’t really something he ever needed to worry about: let alone think about. Even then, something about this girl just felt off— they couldn’t figure out what exactly it was, just a strange gut feeling. Yet, 6s knew what it felt like to be in need of comfort, so here she sat at a coffee shop table, comforting this random stranger. 

“I… um…” The object began to stammer, unsure of what to really say or even do in this situation. His left hand lightly grasped an unopened, sealed water bottle, and 6s put it in Chinatsu’s open hand. 

“I think this shall help you? I’m unfortunately not very educated on human biology.” 6s tried to avoid eye contact with the girl, if at all possible. The strange, weird feeling still couldn’t be shaken from his shoulders. “I can also offer you,” she took a clean, unused spoon and put it into a bowl of something, “chicken noodle soup? It always helps me!” 

np: 6s wouldn’t be sick from the crack on her screen! if anything, one of the things she can get sick from are viruses and anything of that sort. pls ping!!

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron


Bucket would look at the fellow robot with a sympathetic look as she had seen this before, classic malware, always finding SOME way to wiggle into the wires of a metallic being. They had brought some antivirus plugins as well as just general quality of life items that would make dealing with this virus pass quicker than it came. The bot would shoot the phone a friendly look, sitting down as they’d attempt to reassure her. 

“Plenty of bots and AIs get these, I’m sure it’ll pass soon! Lucky for you it seems it’s just making you a bit sluggish, I’ve seen other malware do worse to a robot’s firewall!” She’d chirp, not sure if these words were assuring or a bit more fear inducing but either way she’d like to think they were helpful.

She’d gently rest her arms on her legs, thinking for a moment before getting back up. “Y’know a few years ago I got a virus too, nasty stuff but I pulled through!” She’d beep as her antennas flicked gently like a cat’s ear would. “Soo, I think you can too! Plus again, your case doesn’t seem too severe so I think if you just keep up with these antivirus plugins and make yourself comfortable you should be fine!” She’d pause for a moment before pointing at 6S and making a small gesture as if she was scolding. “Oh, and you might not wanna overwork your systems too much, those things absolutely feed whenever you’re overheating! Trust me, I’d know.” She’d say with a small awkward chuckle. 

Nonetheless, the robot would make sure the other was comfortable, which she was alright at considering her profession. “..Speaking of, do you have any idea of how you got this virus? They don’t spread like human ones, if humans were real that is–” She’d tssk, seeming to get a little anxious for a second before returning to her usual optimistic attitude. “I get if it was a mistake though, I’m sure every bot has accidentally downloaded a virus to their systems, but like I said! It usually passes within a few days.” The robot would finish making sure 6s was comfortable once again, instructing them how to use the antivirus plugins despite if 6S already knew how.

“Okay so, remember to not get the plug in dirty and don’t leave it in for too long!” She’d huff, seeming to be out of breath despite being, y’know, a robot. “I believe that’s it, sorry if your circuits didn’t catch all that, I know it must be hard to keep up since you’re all groggy and everything!” She’d murmur in a sheepish tone as she clasped her hands together. “Now that I think you’re set, I can head out if you’d like! Though I can stay if you’d like me too, up to you of course since these are your living quarters!” She’d beep once again, a ‘^ ^’ appearing on her screen as she’d wait for the phone’s answer. She wouldn’t mind either answer, she was just happy to have helped another AI even if it was as simple as a common virus.


NP: Bucket would get sick from a virus, malware, etc or simply just be lagging and fatigued that day!  

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Johnny batsunsetz

"...So it's a software issue," Johnny groaned, finishing up a diagnostic scan of Bucket's wires- which meant, running her internal scan and poking a little at her arms. "Uh, how do I access your files? Do you have a-"

He suddenly realized that the only screen she had was on her face. Somehow, this felt more awkward than screwing off someone's arms, so he avoided it, running off and digging up an old copy of Norton anti-virus that Vi's family had sitting around. He had no clue why they gave bots access to the internet in the first place- the demon was doing just fine clicking around it like everyone else. Did no one think about how dangerous this was?

"Delete this afterwards, I couldn't imagine getting popup ads in your brain," Johnny explained, perching up on a table to get access to Bucket's USB port. He'd insert it, ask Bucket to turn around, and poked at her screen-face to get the thing to start running, muttering cringed apologies. He stared at the list of files-to-delete, running across the list and asking the bot to verify that none of them were essential to her system- and then he hit the confirmation button, throwing all of the malware into the digital void.

"It'll take a second for your hardware to register the change- a day or two," Johnny explained, "But it's definitely gone. Be careful next time- put suspicious files through a regular computer first, okay?"


np, hes physically a person he gets sick the person way, but he did spend most of his angelic life not doing that so he'll complain a bunch. also hes 13 be normal please <3

Saiph Atlas zidanetribal

Saiph peered over the strange young boy that'd stammered into his little corner of the world. He seemed... Exhausted, to say the least. He must've taken quite the journey to end up here, only to slump over-- out of energy.

"Hey..." Saiph whispered, inching his hand close to his forehead to have a feel-- of course, it was quite warm, but the person himself who Saiph was dealing with was boiling. At a complaint Johnny made, Saiph retracted his hand and flinched. "H-hey!! I-I'm tryin' to help you... Y-you're sick, or um... I-it at least looks that way." Explains the Genome, offering a hand to help the seemingly younger boy up; trying to lift him up himself might result in some more bickering, after all. "C'mon, l-let's get you somewhere better... A-a thief might get you out here, and I-I don't need you getting hurt on top of this."

A quick, awkward walk down an alleyway or two later, and the two arrive at a dead-end; one which had some dingy, discarded mattress off to the side and a pile of blankets atop of it. There was a makeshift "roof" of sorts on top of it to protect the space from the elements. "I want you to... To stay here, alright?" Saiph requests of Johnny. "I'll, um... E-explain everything later. I've gotta get you some m-medicine and a bit of food to eat. It'll make you feel a lot better-- no complaints, 'kay? I-I'm gonna do it, even if you're gonna complain 'bout takin' the medicine." He flicks down his goggles, and he descends back into the streets to retrieve a cure for the bitter angel.

np: saiph is physically pretty frail. literal victorian child. he gets sick and hurt rather often, but still might insist on continuing things as per usual, even if he cannot heal away any of his injuries or other ailments (which happens fairly often as well LOL. most he can heal off on his own without tiring himself out would be a little scrape or two)

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Nikolai Byko PicklePantry

     "I'm starting to think you secretly like being here, darling~" Oh, Nikolai was having fun teasing his bedridden guest. He couldn't blame her for being here, though, his bed was as comfortable as it got. It had all the latest technology built for maximum comfort, and a weighted heated blanket as the icing on the cake. Goodness. The longer he thought about it, the more he regret letting her rest there. Her and her weak self. 

     "Little you all beaten up. Now just how does that happen, hmm?" the Sin mused as he sat at the bedside and leaned forward to rest his chin against the palm of his hand. "Now that I think about it, dearie, you're always wounded. I'm not asking you to elaborate, mind you, but... You're going to be here a while, maybe talking about it would help, hmm?" Just what exactly was she? What exactly did she do that kept her down like this? 

     After a while, Nikolai grinned with a sudden idea. "You like plushies, don't you, dearie?" There was something devious in those sleepy eyes. He got up and moved with a slight pep in his step. A few seconds passed before he poked his head into the bedroom. "I just so happen to have the perfect thing for you to cuddle while you're sick. You can thank me later~" He brought in... a body pillow... with his own image on it. His grin widening, he handed (more forced) it to Sienna. "I know it's something you've always wanted. Now you can properly rest. Gracious, but I just might get jealous~"

Lucy Aloofcloud

Lucifer knew who Nikolai was the moment he laid eyes on him- well.  Maybe not 'knew' in the exact manner, more of he had an inkling of what Nikolai was upon meeting.  After all, Lucifer was the devil, his whole schtick being 'sin'.  Also there was a blatant 'sloth' branding on the man's arm, how more on the nose could you get?  Now, it was evident Nikolai didn't fall under Lucifer's jurisdiction, perhaps he had his own 'Devil' or 'Lucifer' and perhaps, there was none at all.  Lucy didn't bother with thinking too much on the things outside of his control. 

Golden hues bore down on emerald eyes, a smile slowly forming on the fallen angel's lips.  " I feel like you should be impervious to getting sick, but I guess anything can happen." His tone is amused, it's not like Nikolai was suffering too hard- nor at risk of death.  "If it's something you can catch I do worry that it's something I can as well, try not to breathe on me."  He'll toss Niko some tissues, making sure to keep some distance from the man. 

NP: He's either sick with the wackest of colds, or he's injured from a fight with a sibling.  

NV PicklePantry

NV sat besides the bedridden Lucifer. He was ill with a powerful cold, finally managing to sleep after hours upon hours of hacking and wheezing. No longer needing to worry about which medicines or foods to get, the Sin satisfied themselves by sitting near the bed and simply watching.

So many thoughts ran through their head during that peaceful slumber. This was the origin; in a way, their boss. He's so beautiful, even in this form. That was the first thought they had among all the chaos. Even when ravaged by his cold, his eyes were still so emotional behind that stoic bravado, with the softest-looking hair and such clean and smooth skin. God's favorite for a reason.

They said that pride was the mother of all sins, but whenever they looked at Lucifer, NV couldn't help but feel as though they shared a stronger bond. Envy was the first sinful feeling the fallen angel had felt-- envy for all life. It was almost comedy in the most divine form that this world he was so envious of had now paralyzed him with illness.

Someone like Lucifer, he would wake up soon and need more help. NV would stay for when that moment arrived. Until then, they'd stay watching; thinking.

Bluebird d0llzi_enj0y3r

Bluebird saw NV٫ seeming to have a cold of some sort. quickly٫ she walked over and examined them. "Uhm-! NV! You should sit down... you're sick.." she looked around for something to help٫ although she didn't quite understand how exactly how the common cold works. "Are you- do you need anything?" they asked٫ grabbing a nearby water bottle and handing it to NV. "I can get you anything- well maybe not anything but.. mostly anything that you need? Do you need something to eat? Some blankets?" when NV stayed silent٫ Bluebird nodded. "I think I understand.. you want some space٫ right? I can give you that... but don't do anything that requires much work٫ okay? You need rest.." they got up٫ leaving NV on their bed٫ as they walked towards the door. "Get some rest٫ I'll make you something while you do that٫ okay? okay." and with that٫ they left. she'd be back with some half-decent soup later٫ but for now٫ all NV needed to do was rest.


bluebird is sick with the common cold. however٫ since they're from a different planet٫ their body isn't quite used to earth's version of it٫ and they're confused about what is causing them to feel like this.

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