Your favorite design by the person above!

Posted 6 years, 13 days ago (Edited 5 months, 9 hours ago) by hedgemaze

I thought about how there are games to pick your favorite characters or art from the person above, but not one for designs specifically!

Like those other games, for this you'll go to the profile of the person who posts above you, but click on their "Designs" tab INSTEAD and pick your favorite-- based ONLY on the character's visual design, not their profile or personality. For this game, it's fine to pick designs that the person created but don't currently own. Then talk about what you like about the design!


  • Claim first to make sure you don't get sniped.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your response in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Make sure you click the person above's Designs tab and NOT their Characters tab, and check to make sure they actually designed the character you want to praise. The idea of this game is to compliment the person above's design skills, not their taste in characters. There are other games for that!
  • Please write a decent explanation of why you like the design! "Because I like the color blue" isn't a good enough comment. You want to make the person feel good about their design! What about it did you like?
  • All comments should be positive and complimentary. Unsolicited critique and passive-aggressive comments are not allowed here. If you would like to participate in critique of characters and character designs, two threads for that are here: 
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Have fun, guys! The first person can just claim and get a free response.

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tbh this gal sticks out to me the most!! i really love the eyeball bow (is it an eyeball? just guessing) and the outfit!!! the way the black n red match is mostly nice to the eye, adding another reason why i like em! the spikes are also nice c:


Honestly, Xia stood out to me a lot, they are really unique and hella cute! I also have a soft spot for cute monster characters so they are definitely right up my alley! >.< 

I love their colour palette too, I dont usually use pink palettes but it looks hella aesthetic oof


ok i LOVE this design! it's p rare for me to like green characters or characters predominately coloured w/ green shades bc i find it's difficult to make them work well? but i love how they look on captain! i love the cat like insp as well w/ the whiskers and ears, as well as the outfit!


I'm going to have to go with Peaches on this one because WOW she's gorgeous!! She's so unique and she has such an iconic design, like if she was shown on mainstream media people would be able to recognise her within a second of seeing her. Also I adore the peach/pink/coral colour palette to bits (not to mention her adorable freckles)~

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my favorite is either maximilian or emerald. I don't often see green hair used on characters. It feels very unique... and i tend to have a softspot for edgelords/characters who dress alternatively


You have a very cool style, I like how you draw eyes and facial features & how you use colors!

My favorite would have to be Amina, her wings and makeup and colors all work together wonderfully and she has so much personality! It's not a type of design I see often at all either so that's the more reason to like her! I'd love to see her in more clothes and stuff >:D Good job on that one! I also rly like your designs overall, Holiday is a close second to a favorite tbh, his colors work super well.

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I have to say this cutie is my favorite of yours! I'm a sucker for red/black/gold designs first off, and the outfit and etc is just really nice to look at. I especially love the little details like the crosses and such. The wings are also a nice touch.

Overall, a really well balanced design that isn't too simple nor too complex! :D


I like Dave!! Well, since honestly im not that into furries... And the purple is one of my favorite colors!!! Also he kinds of... reminds me of a friend so I think he is cutee


Yo, I super love this design! I think the overall concept is just a neat one; the little mushroom hat/head is cute, the clothing choices are really nice. Overall, they seem really friendly and fun, and I love the design a lot!


I'm gonna to with this one.  It's very different than other designs I've seen. I think that this might be the first time that I've come across an instrument object head.


Jillian because I'm a fan of goth girls and I'm a fan of vampires. Also love red/black colors schemes! The shape of her hair is kinda batlike too, which I think is a really neat touch that I hadn't seen on other vamp girls before.


Louis because... I love his color palette... And that outfit is cute too vwv