Your OC is defeated by the above OC!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by raihan

The rules of this thread are very simple! It carries the rules of my previous threads!

  • Unless 24 hours have passed, you can only post every after 3 posts.
  • Please  have at least 3 sentences in your reply.
  • Please be literate and legible with your replies.
  • Claim a post when you have a rad idea for a reply.
  • Hey, this may be potentially gory, so censor the gore. Writing extreme sexual detail is forbidden.
  • If you want, you can write a few sentences on how your OC makes the move to defeat the next OC!
  • Rules  can be changed anytime. If you do not want how this thread is currently  running, please contact me at my main, @colorful!
  • Have fun!

The first user starts!

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Naria Kaneko YunaNoire

"...Well, that can't be good."

Naria wasn't sure who she had pissed off and to be honest, she didn't really care who it was or what she did to annoy them. The only thing she cared about was getting her computer fixed, since after a whirlwind of errors sounds and jumbled garbage, she was now staring at an outdated meme, endlessly looping on her laptop screen.

Letting out a tired sigh, she forced her laptop to power down and lugged herself up off of her space on the floor. Luckily she was well prepared for an event like this; she had backed up all of her files on several hard drives, including all of her coding work... still, she'd have to take measures to ensure that whoever hacked her, didn't hack her again. 

"Would it be too much work to write a virus for them..."

Looking down to her laptop screen with a deadpan expression, she then turned away nodding. She couldn't be too mad; Nyancat had always been one of her favorite memes anyway.

"Probably. I'll just need to improve my security next time."

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Idea 527 honeyshuckle

527 had been hurt before. It came with their job. However, they'd never been hurt like this. This tearing emotional pain that left them numb inside. It scared them, it horrified them. Another bullet hit their shoulder and filled them with terror. They clattered their scales to make a hissing sound, then twirled their cloak and ran off to hide and regain composure.

They'd just wanted to bring her into custody, ask her a few questions, but this was... not what they were prepared for. They bundled themselves up and decided to try again later... so few limbs, but she really packed a punch...

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Roswell van Breek fizzelston

"Listen', lad," Roswell tried. He was fallen to the ground and instinctively pushed himself away from his attacker. Roswell's eye was focused on the mask. That mask. It made his stomach twist in fear. "Dare is no need for dis roi, we can be lads roi, luk! luk! I can smile" Roswell continued as he pointed at his own forced grin." ye wouldn't want to hurt a pretty smile as this one wouldn't ya?" Roswell kept trying but seeing that Smiley slowly raised his sledgehammer made him realize that it was over for him. "Wouldn't ya.."

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Thanatos lophiusdragon

"How could I be defeated by a mere mortal?!"

Yotaro was having a niceness contest against Thanatos, Yotaro was able to convince ppl that he was their best friend.

Thanatos failed miserably, he was seemingly stuck with the most annoying people. He hissed at them out of annoyance, causing them to become terrified. Yotaro was able to get these ppl onto his side.

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Flauros Rorichi

"Uh?" How did she even end up in a situation like this? Flauros, one of Great Dukes of Hell and the strongest demons, couldn't do anything in such a ridiculous situation?! A cat-like creature was napping on her lap, making sounds somewhat resembling purr. Flauros hated the said creture so very much, oh how much she wanted to burn her to ashes! But...for some reason she couldn't make a slightest move. She tried to shove off the annoying creture with her shaky hands but she petted her gently instead(?) Oh Hell! The tinytoo was just too cute! How could she harm such an innocent and pure being who looked(and felt) like she was made of the sweetest cotton candy and dreams?! "ohhhh..." The demon sighed grievously, still not making an attempt to get rid of the creature. When had she become so soft? She asked herself and closed her eyes. Her cheecks were blushing.

(aw this was a complete defeat with the cuteness overload!!! Flauros will surely have nightmares about this disgraceful situation, oh my~!)

 Nico SoraDeathEater

Nico's eyes grew wide as he stared at the fallen angel in pure horror. Hes on all four but he made sure to keep his eyes locked on the demon standing in front of him. The darkness he used was unbearable, he felt it overcome his body bit by bit. He coughed up some of the dark ooze that signified he overused the ability that didn't originally belong to him. The demon only stares at him as hes trying to wipe the ooze from his mouth, she scoffs at him as he tries to speak. "Y-.." He starts but doesnt continue as he blacks out and faints in front of her.

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 Summoner Erandia [FEH] Erandia

WARNING: It is long AND there is mention of suicide here. PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION!

"Son of a-- Okay, clearly that bloody cavalier is cheating...! Ugh! Pull back..." Stella nearly screamed but resigned herself to defeat as the cavalier pulled back Ike and was finished off by a nasty Dire Thunder from the enemy Reinhardt. As the enemy units disperse from the area, she sighs, mentally apologizing to her offed Heroes as she knows quite well how painful defeat (or temporary death) is. Infernal maps were always her weakness (hell even Lunatic could pose problems) and so far, her track record with it had been mediocre at best. It doesn't help that she's always paranoid and jumpy during these maps due to the sheer difficulty.

Like right now, she feels like someone is watching her--

Thanks to Frederick's boosted training regime, Erandia managed to dodged the mystery figure (this is so going to haunt her damned paranoid brain for a while) before stumbling in an awkward landing. Black sclera stared upon terrified brown eyes, Erandia trying her best not to blink and to not look away. The tension between the summoner and undead increase with each breathe until the red head had enough and ran off within the edge of the map. She hears the scuffle of its feet, hot on her tail. She stops at the edge of the cliff, cursing herself for not checking her Breidablik towards this unfamiliar area.

She hears the footsteps stop, her unguarded back facing it as she refuses to turn around to even look. She knows she's in denial. that she is utterly screwed and with her non-existent ability to fight, that there is no hope of victory for her. For the first time, she wishes she has some spare Light's Blessing, just so she could resummon her Heroes back here from the castle fountain (no doubt they're probably thinking that she's just sulking and contemplating at their lost)

The awful sound of teeth grinding just made the hairs behind her neck stand and goosebumps to spread on her arms. Loosing hope, she resigns herself to resort to the last option (something Frederick, Alfonse, and Gordin explicitly told her to never EVER do on purpose)

Erandia thanks whichever higher being that graced her Zenith that she is practically immortal unless certain fated units from Emblia and Muspell were the ones to actually harm her.

"You know... with that face, you kinda remind me of something... Like those things Chrom and his Shepards had to fight in Awakening." Stella tries to stall, not really looking forward to what her last option is.

"What were they called... Ahh, right. Risen. Glorified Fire Emblem zombies." Having no choice, she turns around and faces the rotting assailant, black eyes glinting at understanding. He's simply curious at what his victim is planning, now that she's just a cornered prey.

"I know I'm stalling, I'm dead meat--hah, bad pun, but right. Are you gonna eat me?" She grimaces and takes another step back, the virus carrier following through and walking closer. Erandia feels the soles of her feet reach the edge of the cliff and at her glance earlier, she knows that down below is nothing but jagged rocks. Insta-death.

Mustering up the last bit of whatever courage she has, Erandia smiles wryly and holds open her arms in a dramatic fashion. If she's going down, she might as well do it in style.

"Sorry man, I'm no match for you. Either way, I'll die. So I guess I'll just choose the more badass way." With a full blown grin, Erandia steps back and free falls to her death. She feels the rocks crush onto her spine and insides. She coughs a bit of blood, nearly in shock at the extreme pain before blacking out completely. White light soon covered her body before the light particles drifted off, erasing any evidence of her death.

Granger stood still, his neck slightly tilted at what his prey did. Giving the area one last sweep with his eyes, he heads back, prey forgotten and curiosity quenched.

Erandia wakes up nearly screaming, drenched in cold water and laying awkwardly on the fountain. Her cry alarmed everyone in the castle, as they all swarmed their summoner. Feeling relieved and tired, she waves them off, promising to tell later once she is done processing what just happened.

She hopes that she never meets that Risen again.