Ask a question to the user above you!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 months, 5 hours ago) by hedgemaze

We have lots of threads to ask questions to or about characters, but what about the users? In the vein of the Say something to the TH user above you! thread and the I want to see a TH user who... thread (and serving basically as a non-anonymous CuriousCat), this is a thread to help you get to know your fellow TH users better by asking the person above you a question. In return, the person below you will pose a question to you. After you're asked a question, edit your post with your answer! 

If you're uncomfortable or don't want to answer the question you were given for any reason, just say so and leave a fun fact about yourself so the game still serves its purpose. If a question is truly problematic, message me with any concerns.


  • Don't ask questions that are very personal or could be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that many TH users are minors, so while I encourage you to look at the profile of the user above you and ask about something mentioned if you like (like their pets, their hobbies, or their current project), please don't ask very personal questions like exactly where someone lives.
  • Try to ask something fun or interesting, but it's fine if you don't know the person above you at all-- getting to know each other better is the point of this thread! It's fine to ask something general like what their hobbies are, who their favorite fictional character is, how they came up with their username, which of their own characters is their favorite, or how they found ToyHouse.
  • Of course, it's great if you ask something more specific, too! If you know they have a lot of fandom characters, you might ask how they got into that fandom, or if they have a unique art style, you might ask how they developed it!
  • There's another thread for specific questions about characters, and another for worlds, but you can ask general/broader questions about a person's creations here, like how long they've been working on their story, or what inspires or influences them. I'm not going to keep writing examples, but you get the idea. Just use common sense and try to get to know your fellow TH users better!
  • You can ask multiple questions in your comment if you want to, but only one is fine, too. This can be as in-depth or as casual as you like.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • Edit your original comment with your answer to keep this clear; please DO NOT add new comments to the thread just to answer someone's question. This gets confusing. Take it to private messages if you want to have an ongoing conversation.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   Please don't be rude if someone asks you a question you've already answered before! If that happens, you may link your previous response if you don't want to go over it again, but I recommend adding something new to say about the topic, if you can!
  • Want to play the game in reverse? Answer a question from the user above!

The first person can either ask me something or just claim a spot!

Edit: my answer

"Hedgemaze Expo" is the name of the main characters' band in my comic! I've been using either HedgemazeExpo or Hedgemaze as a username ever since, which is to say since 2003! Most people just call me Hej for short now.

The name itself doesn't mean much of anything, other than that I liked both words and liked the sort of paradoxical nature of an exposition dedicated to huge structures that can't be moved (what do they exhibit, photos? bush samples? tiny mazes?). In terms of the comic, it's just supposed to be a unique, kind of awkward, and silly band name, because in-story, it's an inside joke between my characters Jill and Amber.

All my forum games and threads



I see that you are a musician, but when did you start getting into music? How long have you been a musician?

It's a bit complicated, but when I first thought of my sona, I thought of making a monster moth species, and I believed it was a good idea, so before Nef even existed, I had made this design:


This was basically an early concept of what would probably become Nef, since she had no imp-looking ears, though this design could also probably predate Nef herself. This design is a lot duller than what she is now.



How on earth did you think of your sona?  Its so different!  Did you have any inspirations or did it just come out of nowhere?  Did you have any other designs before settling with the one you have now?

This user's account has been closed.



Do you like the puyopuyo franchises and would you recommend it for new people? (mostlybciwannagetintopuyopuyotertis)




have a reading problem and I accidentally read it as Jhielin. LOL

AA ty!! I do have favorites!! Right now, it's these four! 1 2 3 4



I was actually curious about your username, what does it mean/represent? (If you're alright with saying?)

You have quite a lot of characters. Do you have a favourite one? (They all look really cool, by the way.)


1. I always say that I don't have a specific favourite because I feel guilty if I favour any character over the others, but I can't deny that I do favour some of them. Crowley and Armin are among my favourites.

2. The 'Radiant' part is a reference to Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, a game I really like. The 'Raindragon' part is a reference to an old character of mine who I made when I was about twelve. He was a grey dragon called Raincloud and he's not uploaded here.


Thanks for asking! (I love an excuse to talk about my projects. XD)

Out of the stories I'm still working on, my favourite one is probably Vampire Hunters - it's just so much fun to work on and the characters have become some of my favourites to write about. It's also a pretty old project, dating back to September 2015. Probably my favourite part of it is the dynamic between the cast, as they all have quite different relationships with each other!

Out of the stories I've actually finished... I really like Vincent and The Cursed Prince. They're among my proudest works to date.



Hmm...two questions, actually.

1. What is your favorite character out of all of them?

2. How did you come up with your username?

For the person below me, my favorite fandom would have to be Portal. Other than the fact that it's in my username, it was the game that got me into art, and it's just a great game overall



You have so many stories/projects! They all sound like really cool ideas :D Do you have a favorite one to work on?

Edit: sniped, will edit in a question for Mining haha, I'll leave the question for Radiant in case they still want to answer it xD

Edit edit: The description for The Cursed Prince sounded really neat and interesting!! I can see why you would be proud of it, I may have to try and read it sometime ^^


You're in a lot of fandoms!! I'll stick with my favorite related question and ask if you have a favorite fandom? If yes then why is that one your favorite? ^^

Edit: Ah yeah, it makes total sense that Portal would be your fave haha! :D It's awesome that it got you into art!


Aaa I had forgotten about this thread haha xD 

Hm, some of my favorites are Pokemon SoulSilver (well, pretty much all the main series Pokemon games tbh), Splatoon 2, Smash Ultimate, Zleda BotW, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EoS :D

And hmm that's a tough one... Up until recently I would have said traditional hands down was more fun for me, but I have been having a lot of fun improving my digital art lately so while it's not the most exciting answer I will have to say both are pretty equal for me atm :')



Your profile mentions that you like Nintendo games! What are a few of your favourite games?

It also mentions that you enjoy both digital and traditional art. Do you prefer one over the other, or love them both equally?

Thank you! I did draw my stupid icon. XD I originally created it about two years ago when I was just messing around - I wanted to draw a weird-looking face, and this is what I came up with. I named him Nachomouth (yes that's a mouth not a nose or a beak). When I came to Toyhouse, I didn't know what to use as my icon, so I decided to use him. Now a lot of people seem to recognise him and I think that's great.

I can't remember exactly how I got into dragons, and I can't recall a time when I didn't like them, so it definitely started when I was very young. I have drawings that I made when I was probably 3 or 4 that have dragons in them. They're the best fantasy creatures.

Thanks for the questions!


RadiantRaindragon Your icon is honestly the most recognisable and one of the best on the site, did you draw it? Was it meant to be a silly icon from the start or did it get thrown there later?

And something about you- your profile says you like dragons (definitely reasonable), have you loved them since childhood/how long have you loved them?

Dear next person - sorry that my profile is barren but maybe you'll be able to get something out of it

Thanks for the questions! 

Gosh, I've played basically every game plus Epic Yarn plus Super Star Ultra and Amazing Mirror. I've had an amazing time with all of them, but I think Triple Deluxe holds a special place in my heart for being the first main series game I ever played. 

As for Starbound.. urm... *looks at my almost 200 hours* I can't exactly remember what being a beginner is like but if you're struggling on the first planet, pick a direction and keep going until you find a little camp and a cave that has a bunch of core fragments. Take it slow and easy, especially if you're playing survival. There are a lot of beds down there so don't be afraid to take a break and heal. Also, two handed weapons have a secondary attack if you right click! It's really handy! And if you're struggling because you don't have a gun, if you've picked up any amount of loot there's probably throwing daggers or spears in your inventory. If that didn't help at all you're free to ask me more questions over PM, because it is tough when you start! 


I see you like Kirby a lot, so what's your favourite Kirby game and why? Optional bonus question, I see you also like Starbound, I do too but I suck at it, do you have any beginners tips?

"Out of your OCs, which one would you want a really good quality figurine of? Which of your OCs would you say you are the most proud of and why?" To be honest my answer for both of those questions is based on the same logic, I'm proud of a lot of my characters but I'd have to go with either Aluminum or Tin because they're my overall favourites.



Out of your OCs, which one would you want a really good quality figurine of? Which of your OCs would you say you are the most proud of and why? 


Thank you for the questions~

This might come off as a kinda generic question, but how long have you been drawing and what originally got you into more 'serious' art? I ask because you have a really unique/recognizable artstyle, so I was curious about what things might have influenced it.

I've been ambiently drawing for around 9ish years. I got more serious about art about 7 years ago since I felt like it would be a decent career path to follow. There wasn't much else that interested me when it came to careers, so it seemed like a safe pick. I at least knew that I liked art and I was sorta okay at it back then. 

As for direct influences that fed into my artstyle, I'm just going to slap them under a spoiler since I don't want this post to be a pain to scroll past. 

Woodblock Prints - Some good lineart 

Old Movie Posters - The one's from right when "talkies" became a thing

Damaged VHS tapes / Shows that no longer have a master copy - I really enjoy the grain, streaking, and colour distortion this causes. I replicate the look a lot in my lineart, shading, and backgrounds. I do eventually want to duplicate it in my animation when I have a program and computer that can handle it. 

Art Noveau - I really like the linework of the art pieces and the architecture is fantastic. 

Art Deco - I use a lot of art deco-esque things for backgrounds in my art. 

Stained Glass - Specifically pieces made around 1800-1930s. It's when painted glasses became super popular. I really like how the bold the outlines of the pieces look when compared to the large chunks of painted glass. 

Cel Animation - Specifically how the cels interact with each other. You can see the shadows, the dust, if it's bumped while being filmed.  Also, how much contrast there is between the background and the animated parts.

80's and 90's anime (both western and eastern) 

I'm always interested in your OCs too, so: do you have any favourite OCs among the ones you've uploaded on TH?

Even though I don't have all my characters posted, I have my absolute favourite ones uploaded to the site. 

My absolute favourite is Rory. He has a ton of emotional value to me due to how I largely developed him with my now fiance. Plus, I just really emotionally connect to the mess of a man. He went from a really minor throwaway character to now one of my story-based mains. I use him a lot for drawing practice as well since he's the only OC I have where I've got their design memorized. I would estimate that once I get my sketchbooks scanned, he should probably have around 50-100+ pieces of art OTL. It's some serious favouritism for him.

My second favourite is Jeb. I like cowboys. I like vampires. He's a cowboy vampire. 



This might come off as a kinda generic question, but how long have you been drawing and what originally got you into more 'serious' art? I ask because you have a really unique/recognisable artstyle, so I was curious about what things might have influenced it.

I'm always interested in your OCs too, so: do you have any favourite OCs among the ones you've uploaded on TH?

1. I've been drawing 'seriously' since about 2014. (I started doing digital art around 2013, using a Nintendo 3DS drawing app called Colors3D.)

2. I think I originally started just because I wanted to be able to show people what my story characters looked like? I was a writer long before I was a serious artist, and I liked to illustrate my stories and draw the characters from them. When I was younger, before I started drawing seriously, I also liked making fanart of videogames and books that I liked.



1. How long have you been drawing?

2. What made you start drawing?

I was inspired by the sandman and other sleep inducing creaturs



Nellibies are a really cute species that you made, but what inspired you to make the species?

[I think you forgot to ping me...? :'^)]

It's a long story (Since I already answered a similar question like that a long time ago), but I thought of latin names, so "Historia" came up, and has been a staple for me since.

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