Write a Crack Headcanon for the Oc above 2.0

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 2 years, 2 months ago) by gummy

The old thread for this seems to have gotten deleted so I was like "It was pretty funny. Might as well."

Anyway its similar to the regular headcanon thread, except more random and funny! So....ya..

first one to post gets a free one!

if you have any issues with claims (ie unfilled request or issues with anything else) feel free to message me! <3

Harahel fuelli

She loves chocolate, and wishes she was more popular just to get free choco on Valentine's Day.

Jeff Callahan FreeFallingUp13

@Judas-la-Carotte Once, in an attempt to help Oliver, Harahel tried to give him a book where the protagonist was going through a similar problem. He snuck it into Oliver's stack of books before he checked out at the local library. Oliver was mighty confused, but considers it one of his favorite stories now.

ULTRA penguin azvainia

Jeff falls in love with someone in the demon mafia, but it's the mafia that's enemies with his own. Romeo and Juliet style. hell yeah.

Jamie Rav3n

Ultra penguin is super penguin. He has superpowers like a superhero.

 Keala BriarHK

The pink parts of her fur taste like raspberry, though, personally, she hates the fruit.

 Oli Rosakura

he preens his wings often.

Discord ChaosGrizzly

He is terrified of grains of rice. But only if they are uncooked.

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Victoria gummy

He plays the sonic games and watches the shows but only for tails because he feels like Tails is his long lost brother.

Silvio North Akari-Yuu

Victoria will threaten to literally stab someone with her horn if they get on her nerves or she doesn't like them. The only reason she might not actually do this is because it might ruin her reputation, though she might just do it anyway. Because she can.

↓ Honestly, yeah. He'd definitely do that. And if someone walked in on him doing that he'd just get so embarrassed.

Marcel clumsypups

her guilty pleasure is entertaining herself by LARPing as a unicorn

edit;; oops ninja'd, hold on!!

he secretly talks to plants and feels like they grow better when he does.

lmAO YES that would totally be him x'D

his reasoning? "it's a uniform"

Sandra MotherRat

He wears his jacket all the time. ALL THE TIME. Like it's never been washed, because he must always wear it.

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Eden Rav3n

Deon's nose is huge. It's so big that he's programmed to love his huge nose.