What superpowers would the OC above have?

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 years, 9 months ago) by Meowdle

The title pretty much explains it! Just look over the above character's information and, based on that information that you've read, decide on what power(s) that character would have! Make sure to explain what that power does, if it's not obvious. Bonus points if you explain why you think they would have that power!

If this already exists, just let me know and I'll delete this ^^

There's just a few rules! -

- Make sure to post IC so that the person below knows what character to look at.
- Please look at the above character's information instead of just randomly giving them a power for no reason. You don't have to look at their entire bio, just enough to get the gist of it.
- Be nice! This is not a thread to bash people or their characters.
- Please don't just choose powers that the character already has. Be creative!
- Don't put any NSFW powers. Some violent powers are okay, but if you think that it could be sensitive to some people please put it in a spoiler box.
- Please don't just put a joke power unless the person above specifically specifies that they are okay with that!

 Winston Wardell winston

has the ability to unclear a gun jam using his tongue

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Jasper Barley "Nebbish" Shadowzim777

I thought of a siren. Hypnotizing people with renard's voice akin to the Music Meister

Lilium IronyMobile

Something like Scribblenauts: translating concepts from writing to actuality.

 Nethil Dranos SymeSynth

I feel like a possible capability they would have is the power to manipulate memories.


Control dragons and speak to them

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