The OC above is behind you...

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by Lux KountrysideGrizzly


1: You must post as your OC

2: If you are only gonna scream, at least make it funny and not just screaming. Example: *screams in fanboye*

3: You may make your interactions as long as you like. This includes but is not limited to speech, actions and reactions

4: Keep it clean please, I don’t think I’d wanna do dirty things to someone who jump scares me from behind!

5: All characters are accepted!!!

6: Once you’re interaction is finished, you must type at the bottom “I’m behind you...” or another varient that gives out the same message so that the next person may interact using their OC. To shorten your text, look for the symbol that has the T and an arrow pointing upwards and downwards. Shortening the text is now optional.

7: Please wait at least 2-3 posts after your post or 24 hours after the most previous post.

8: The only exception to your OC interacting with another one of your OC’s is if it has been 24 hours since you posted and no one else has posted during that 24 hour period.

9: Art of your interactions is okay but I cannot allow NSFW that would be rated adult (e.g. sexually explicit) under any circumstances, this would ban you from this thread. Anything that would be rated mature (e.g. nudity, bulges for males or nipples for females) however should only be sent privately to the user you intend to draw art for, they must be 18+ to be sent mature artwork and you must have their permission before you can draw their character at a mature rating. Failure to ask permission beforehand would be a warning if the reciever is already over 18 or a ban from this thread if they are under 18.

10: Swearing is fine, just be careful on how you use your words, like, try not to offend anyone in real life, yeah?

11: If a comment has been deleted, keep calm and move on. Don’t worry, you’ll still get a reply!


Users banned from this thread:

Nobody yet, let’s keep it that way.


Me as Lux: I’m behind you...

User 1: Oh, hello there! You look so adorable and I love you so much! *rubbing his head* 

I’m behind you...

User 2: *Screams in Halo 3*

I’m behind you...

And so on...

Starting with Lux!

I’m behind you...

 ♟ Prince ZodiacCloud

"aAH OH My goD- jeez man, You gave me a heart attack!! Bro, what-?" *wheezes with a hand on his chest* "whats up??" *places a single dainty hand on Bernons shoulder*


*gets real close to your ear* "...BRUH-"

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Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

Salvador stiffens as he hears the voice behind him. Anxiously he grabbed to one of his daggers. His hand met the hilt of his dagger, but eases. First, turn around, Salvador instructed himself, and if it's scary, run.

Simple hu? Salvador slowly turned to face his unknown approacher. She turned to be..alright. Not as scary as he envisioned. the wolf ears were a but besides that, she looked 'chill' in his books. 

"Oh, " he said before letting out a nervously chackle, "you gave me chicken skin!" Salvador rolled up his sleeve, to proudly show the stranger, said chicken skin. 


"Uh...Hé I'm here, " Salvador muttered, "down here eh. Behind you, hi."

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Kamul s0ltea

The almost eight foot tall Troll turned at the small murmur, with a grunt he looked around not sure as to where the noise could've possibly come from but eventually looked down, his face contorted into pure confusion as his eyes met with the small human child staring up at him with those big, mischievous eyes.
Necalli leaned down, getting right up to the child's face with an intimidating glare, he stayed there a few moments his eyebrows twitching before suddenly bursting into hysterical laughter, unable to keep his scary facade any longer.
"Boo!" he repeated in a booming voice, a wide grin on his face.


"Pssst, behind you bud."

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Sonii CallmeKomodo

Sonii nearly jumped out of her skin. Maybe the hiss reminded her too much of a monitor, the size of the voice intimated her, or maybe both, but something about those words put her on edge. She slowly turned and looked up at the huge serpent, a cold shiver running down her spine. 

Sonii knew her voice was going to shake, but maybe it was better to try being polite then simply run off? "Oh... Hello..." 

"Hey, I'm right behind you. Don't step on me, please?"

 [IXIARIS] Ratsudon

Ixiaris paused, more surprised than startled from the small voice that came well.. below him? It took him a bit to process before he turned to look down at the girl with the slightest tilt of his head, which didn't help his bangs from curtaining even further over his face.
"Oh, I-.." he finally managed, a small smile replacing his previous mix of confusion. "I wouldn't even dream of it. Hello there,"

"Behind you."

⭐ M E R C Y ⭐ Luckyee

Damnit, internet went out just as i was posting my reply, sorry if it looks a bit rushed.

Mercy turned, startled by the noise. Novakids were rarely approached in these parts, let alone interacted with. “Pardon me, am ah in ya’ way?”

Giving them a closer look, he stiffened, unsure as to how to react to the multiple wings on their back. But he found no reason for an unusual reaction, so he kept his icy calm attitude.

“Ya lookin’ for a map? Ah don’t reckon you’re from ‘round here.”, he said, unsure quite as to how to interact. He couldn’t help but stare, as well. He’d never seen anybody quite like them before.


“Behind ya.”