Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by Valkyrie-MK-001




I am extremely excited to present you all with the very first Gen1 Peimeras! 

I’ve been working on concepting this species for quite a while so I really hope you like them! You can read a bit more about Peimeras further down on this post. 

Please keep in mind that this species is still in development and I will be continuously adding new lore and information as I go. I’m also always open to suggestions regarding the traits and mineral/elemental varieties for the species! If you have any ideas for world building, I would love to hear them. If I like your idea, you’ll be permanently credited in the species guide for your contributions!

Peimeras will be priced accordingly as I’d like to afford the time to create an interactive world and offer fun community events like breeding, familiar adoption, RPG elements, etc. While Peimeras are a closed species at this time, I’ll be hosting a free MYO event and raffle later in the year when the species is fleshed out a bit more, so feel free to watch for updates!

Carrot Cake

Common Peimera

Mineral: Gold (Common)
Element: Nature
Shimmering plating (Uncommon)
SB: $35
MI: $5
AB: $300



Common Peimera

Mineral: Opal (Uncommon)
Element: Light
Shimmering feathers (Uncommon)
Shimmering serpent scales (Uncommon)
SB: $45
MI: $5
AB: $400


Please be ready to pay within 24 hours of winning the auction. Payment plans are available if discussed with me prior to your bid being placed. Payment plans require a non-negotiable down payment and must be completed between 2-4 weeks.

This auction is cross posted on FA, DA, & IG.


Peimeras are a relatively new species in terrestrial history, an unnaturally occurring hybrid of perytons and chimeras.

Peimeras came into existence through a rather tragic magical mishap. Liandrin, a human warlock, was searching for the most regal war mount he could find. Liandrin was not a warrior, but a manipulative, haughty, and vain man, caring only for how he presented himself to the world. His thirst for the perfect mount and companion took him to the farthest corners of the world, but no powerful purebred warhorse, no majestic woodland stag, and no terrifyingly ferocious gryphon was enough to sate his thirst for the unique. Not even a dragon was good enough as Liandrin, after all, was a vain and superfluous man. After years of searching, Liandrin suddenly realized something: he could simply create a being of his own! As one of the world’s most powerful warlocks, Liandrin possessed the skills necessary to create life. He wanted everything. He wanted majesty, ferocity, sentience, and of course, a commanding form of transportation. Liandrin decided on combining organs and feathers from a peryton he found dead in the woods with a variety of materials from a chimera slain by a local warrior. After toiling for months to create a suitable concoction to create his beast, Liandrin was left with an egg. He set it to incubate in his study and left it alone. After a surprisingly short incubation period, the very first Peimera came into existence. She was a Queen and was named Aluires. Aluires was a ferocious three headed beast, a jet black creature with shimmering gold flecks in her fur. The left head, a four horned Jacob’s sheep with piercing icy eyes, was the logical one. The right head, a stunning panther, was passionate and ruled by emotion. And the middle, dominant head...the most beautiful dragon to grace the earth...was what you would expect of a dragon. Powerful, prideful, greedy...but also introspective, thoughtful, and even kind.

The years went by and Aluires completed every task that Liandrin ever asked of her, but Liandrin eventually bored of his creation and abandoned her. Aluires, heartbroken and consumed by an incomprehensible loneliness, did something that could only be described as a miracle. Through her heartache, she laid a small clutch of eggs. She created her children. Every Peimera is, in a way, a child of Aluires.


Peimeras have an appearance that resembles a muntjac without horns, fluffy songbird-like wings with a single gripping claw, and scale plating. They have a small horn on the joint of each leg. They each possess mineral matter in their genetics due to the concoction of ingredients that created them initially and this matter is what makes their hooves, teeth, horns, and plating. Undoubtedly the most striking feature of the peimera is the serpentine tail. This serpent boasts a completely separate consciousness and personality to the Peimera it is attached to and often acts as an advisor, of sorts. While the vast majority of Peimeras have strong, positive relationships with their serpents, some may be cursed with conflicting (and even damaging) relationships which can drive a Peimera to madness.

All Peimeras use magic in every day life and focus on an element. Only rare varieties may practice more than one element. The elements that a Peimera May align with are fire, air, nature, water, light, shadow, metal, and darkness. Celestial Peimera are capable of harnessing universal magic and energy from the sun, moon, and stars.

Peimeras have behavioural traits from all corners of their genetic ancestors. Avian behaviour is common in the forms of nest making, mating displays, and knick-knack gathering. Feline behaviour is seen in some Peimeras in their absolute laziness and refusal to do anything but lounge the day away. All Peimeras have draconic blood flowing through their veins and as such, crave a hoard. This compulsion may only manifest in the collection of trinkets (which can be seen as avian behaviour), though some Peimeras spend their entire lives amassing massive hoards of treasures that they guard fiercely. This level of collecting is generally only seen in King & Queen Peimeras who have an active draconian head.

General Appearance


  Muntjac-like and without horns
  Basic scale plating along underbelly and fronts of legs
  Only 1 ungulate head
  1 set of wings with 1 gripping claw per wing
  1 serpentine tail
  Basic mineral trait - bronze, copper, silver, gold, rose gold, quartz, fluorite, amethyst, citrine, moonstone, tourmaline, jade, obsidian
  1 elemental focus

Uncommon - Rare

  Up to 2 sets of ears
  Up to 2 sets of wings
  Intermediate mineral trait: sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond, bloodstone, Amber, aquamarine, peridot, topaz
  Up to 2 heads (ungulate & feline heads only. Rare only)
  2 elemental focuses (rare only)
  Up to 2 sets of head horns
  Multiple gripping claws

King & Queen

  Fully tapped into their genetic roots, only King & Queen Peimeras may possess the two additional heads that chimeras also sport. They may have an ungulate head, a dragon head, and a feline head.

  They may also possess up to two additional tails.

  King & Queen variants usually have large feline bodies with the back legs of a large stag. Occasionally they can have a more draconic body, but this is EXTREMELY rare.

  They may have unlimited sets of horns and wings. They may also have draconian wings.
They may also sport mineral or crystal growths on their exterior due to excess internal magic.

  ONLY King & Queen varieties may have labradorite, ammolite, moldavite, or aura/mystic mineral traits. They may also have any lower tier mineral traits and may have multiple mineral traits.

  King & Queen varieties may have multiple elemental focuses.


  Aquatic Peimeras sport a hippocampus-like appearance and have their own set of trait rarities. All aquatic Peimeras are extremely rare.


  Miniature Peimera that can posses any rarity traits but pint sized!

  They also may only have butterfly or bee wings and are never feathered or scaled, though they may possess a small amount of fluffy fur.
  Fey May have antennas instead of horns, they can also have both sometimes!
  No plating.
  Fey are only aligned with nature or light elements.


  Celestial Peimeras sport similar heads to the common varieties but with strong draconian features.
  They may have three heads but have the ability to summon and dismiss them, maintaining a single headed appearance if they so choose.
  Celestials are the only type of Peimera that may sport a multi-headed serpent tail.
  Celestial Peimeras may possess any traits from any rarity.
  They are bursting with arcane energy and are always glowing.


Peimeras are a closed species, you may not make your own. Please respect this.
All Peimeras MUST be registered on the master list, NO EXCEPTIONS.
You may not resell a Peimera for more than you have paid for it, with the exception of included commissioned artworks.
You must notify me of reselling, trading, or gifting so the master list may be updated with the new owner.
If you create a Peimera without permission or a MYO voucher, you will be added to a public blacklist.
You are permitted to make small changes to your Peimera, but please do not go outside of your predetermined trait rarities. If you’re unsure, just ask!
You’re welcome to use your Peimera in your own AUs and stories, the sky is the limit! Just try and stick with the basic lore please, this is what makes them what they are after all!
Please do not use your Peimera in explicit NSFW scenarios.
Please credit me wherever you use your Peimera!

Species and artwork: khajiithasbottlecaps | KHB Illustration