(Open Species) Lunelites

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by {Species} Lunelites CanineKing


"hey i'm bored let's just make an open species for fun lol"

(Copied and pasted from the profile, all future edits and updates will be done to both this post and profile)

Lunelites (loon-lights) are an open species that is free for anyone  to make/ use. Creating the designs are okay to do with or without permission. Editing the lore for your own use is okay.

Please credit me (CanineKing) as the species creator.

Lunelites are basically beings that can be  kept as a familiar, pet, companion, etc. They are loyal creatures that  likes to be social and are caring towards others.

Dark blights  hidden in the shadows (and can only be seen by the Lunelites) are  attracted to life and attaches itself to their shadows. When forming a  nest in a human's shadow, it eats the human's energy, making the human  more exhausted and create more negative emotions and energy in them.  However, with a Lunelite they are able to see and hunt the dark blights  away from the shadows with the light from their tail. They eat the dark  blights to feed the flame on their tails (they generally have an  omnivorous diet lol).

General notes:

  • they are most active during the winter seasons
  • their lamp is made by the humans interacting with them (accessories)
  • sometimes, lost humans in wild areas can find lit lamps leading them back to their homes


A Lunelite's main purpose is to care and protect their caretaker from their shadows with their light

anyone's allowed to make a Lunelite (and i would love to see them :'D)! i'm planning to create some free designs every so often to give out on here too, and feel free to ask me for a trade for a custom of it!

let me know of any questions, thoughts, comments for these! thanks for reading!


-- reserved --



ahh thank you so much for the support!! and yes, i'd love to see them too!! :'D


Damn, I wanna make one ;;
Or like, ask you to make a custom one for me when you're free lol

I love the concept though, aaaaa
and you're welcome for helping you with lore :'D


(Oof this is my first time posting on forums hope it goes well.. O.o)

these are so cute and interesting! May I make one? If so is there any color restrictions?

aaa these make my heart meltt



(welcome to the forums!)

yes you can make one for yourself, i'd love to see the finished design! and no, no colour resrictions other than their flame at their tail can not be black

thank you for the interest and kind words 'v')/aaa


ok cool thank you! I'll show you when I'm finished :)


Done with the kiddo!  was super fun to draw! let me know if i need to change anything aa 




oh my gosh they look so cute!! thank you so much for taking the time to creating this character and showing me!! ;w;)/


if any of u sell these as adopts u BETTER show me i need one,, these are so cute //if i ever get back into art i might make one aha



oh thank you for the interest/ support!! ;w;)/ i'm actually not really planning to do much with these (well that mostly depended on the interest gained lol), and i mostly planned on making freebie adopts for anyone to take but idk when that'd be :'D


understandable!! i just. i luv them. i want one so i can hug it. big fluffy babies.,,,


No problem! Was super fun aa


Saw these and loved the concept so made my own gal here~

also showed my friend the species and she loved them too