[CS] Aschevolk -- The "HIATUS IS OVER" Free MYO

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by bunnyprotag

Step through the Aschevolk's Gate

Hello everyone!! It's been quite a while, but I'm excited to kick Aschevolk back into gear. And what better way than to start with a free MYO event?

As a supernatural kemonomimi species with lore to work your characters into, it's been incredible seeing what people come up with and what they're able to do with the rules in line. I'd highly recommend joining the discord server, not only to take part in the limited monthly events held there, but also to take part of the amazing and dedicated community that I'm happy to know. You can also check below or in the server for info on the species.

NOW! How to claim the free MYO ticket for this event? Click the spoiler below to see the rules!


  • This event will run from July 7th to August 10th!
  • You have until October 1st to make your Aschevolk.
  • The ticket rarity is common! To get an uncommon ticket, all you need to do is make a bulletin on toyhouse or a journal on deviantart promoting the MYO event!
  • You can also gain one rare trait by tagging two of your friends!
  • Fill out the form to the right to get approved!


Name: (Name you like to go by)
Username: (self explanatory)
Link to bulletin: (changes your ticket rarity from common to uncommon)
Friends you wanna tag: (tag two friends to get a rare trait!)
Joined discord group?: (Yes/No)

Once you've finished this character, either submit to discord with the form there (vastly preferred, faster response time), or link your character below with the following information and we'll get back to you asap!:

Your Name:
Toyhouse Username:
Ticket Type:
Rarity Items: (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare)
Species: (Please include rarity)
Urn type: (Please include rarity)
Traits: (Please include rarity)
Order joined:

Want to keep up to date with things? Check out our world!

The path to the afterlife is a dangerous one - at least, without a guiding hand. For ages, this was the job of reapers: godlike lords of the underworld that grow powerful the more lost souls they lead to rest. As time has passed and populations grow, the job became too much for the few reapers that hold the task -- and thus they created Aschevolk to help.

Aschevolk are spirits that live among humans, eager to serve the reaper that created them and collect a soul after death. They blend in, living amongst humans who are none-the-wiser, waiting for the moment their services are needed or obeying orders of their reapers.

Born from the ashes of past guardians of the underworld and given life sealed in an urn, each Aschevolk has different animal-like characteristics: ears, tails, horns, and wings; lit from flames of the underworld itself.


While most humans can’t see these traits unless the Aschevolk chooses to show themself, those in touch with the supernatural are more likely to be aware of them - but can they actually be exposed?

Despite their best efforts to remain hidden, Aschevolk are sometimes exposed to humanity, usually being mistaken for other myths - this instilling fear, mixed with the sometimes violent nature of their lives as well as the fights between orders , sometimes results in an Aschevolk's death. The only way this is permanent, however, is if their urn is destroyed! Should an Aschevolk's body be killed, the corpse will eventually turn to ash, and sometime shortly after they will respawn at their urn in a guardian-like form called Aschelings. They'll start off as a young version of this animal, slowly growing in size as they regain their strength and, within a few days time, be able to turn back into their humanoid form.
Aschevolk, being born from familiars, are being found in more and more species constantly... But here's whats available now:
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Descended from underworldly creatures, there's a wide variety of traits that Aschevolk display. More are being discovered all the time, so keep an eye out!
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When an Aschevolk directly alters the natural fate of a human, their form begins to change and crack. Overtime, this results in extra tails, horns, ears, wings, eyes - and more. They may have trouble maintaining their human-esque form, growing more monstrous the more fates they change.

Other times, they’re created from things other than fire! This reflects on the pieces of their true self showing through, in similar ways that their fire would.


Created by the reapers, the urns are what holds the very soul of the Aschevolk. When one’s body may die, so long as the urn remains intact, they’ll be able to come back -- think of it as a respawn point. The only way to permanently kill an Aschevolk is to destroy its urn. Urns created with different materials represent different base abilities of an Aschevolk - natural talents:
Wooden: This Aschevolk is simply quite average - no strengths, no weaknesses.

Stone: An urn made from stone represents a strong Aschevolk - not only are they physically powerful, they’re also able to take a lot of attacks on their person with little to no effect on them. The only downside is they’re typically not great with magic!

Ceramic:An Aschevolk with a ceramic urn tends to be quite physically fragile - but what they lack for in natural physiques, they more than make up for in natural magic talent. Aschevolk with ceramic builds tend to be the best magic users, holding great control over their ability and quick to learn more.

Metals: Aschevolk made from metals are treated as nobles - a cut above the rest. They not only are very difficult to break, they’re quick to learn magic -- jacks of all trades, masters of none, if you will.

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Urns also have their own types of traits that show on the body of the Aschevolk!
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Each Aschevolk serves under a reaper, and each reaper has at least a single entrance and exit to the underworld - doorways called Gates. Souls are brought through these to find their place in the afterlife, strengthening the reaper and those who serve under them.

However, having different expectations on how things are run and how much to meddle in Humans lives, there's a constant power struggle between reapers as they try to carry on their work. They've created their own organizations, their own temples, called Orders - and thus created sometimes less-than-friendly competition between their Aschevolk. Each Order goes by its own name, and has a different way things are run by its reaper -
Seraphim A cult-like family that brings humans into their so-called religion, keeping them in close proximities as to easily obtain their souls. The Aschevolk of this consider one another as close as family, assisting one another through any hardships.

Countdown Cadence Orderly and business-like, the members of this faction run like work. Souls are meant to be gathered in a timely fashion, detachment from the humans you involve yourself with is to be expected. Aschevolk of this organization tend to live in homes with one another as opposed to with humans, as to further their attachment to the 'product'.

Wolfsbane Far and few between, members of wolfsbane blend seamlessly into human society with little help from others of the group. Though they're endlessly loyal to the leader of this faction, they tend to not think much of one another. They tend to be the most involved in ordinary human lives.

The following are the reapers of each order! From left to right: Luci, of Seraphim; Pluto, of Countdown; and Kore, of Wolfsbane. Lore of them will slowly be released through events, and you're welcome to let them be relevant in an Aschevolk's story.

Luci is a dreamy, motherly type with a god complex, eager to grow in strength and convinced everything they do is simply part of their ascension, regardless of morality. As such, they regularly encourage Aschevolk to stray from the typical mindset of 'only take souls of the dead', instead encouraging them to end lives early.

They're charismatic, affectionate, and graceful; spending most of their time in temples surrounded by Aschevolk and human followers alike. ‎ Pluto, the leader of Countdown, takes on a very sadistic, boss-like attitude. They're strict to schedules, and tend to dispose of Aschevolk that they see as nonbeneficial to their 'company' - as such, their Aschevolk tend to be very talented and efficient.

Pluto rarely has personal relations with their Aschevolk, instead viewed as cruel for their over-the-top discipline when they're disappointed. ‎ Kore is essentially a ghost - wandering from place to place, near impossible to track down, and known by few. Most of their Aschevolk hold vague memories of their caring attitude from when they were guardians, and those that have met them would describe Kore as warm and gentle, but fleeting.

Only a handful of Aschevolk have seen them multiple times; but at time Wolfsbane Aschevolk will hear their call in the back of their mind; a soft voice teaching them to take only souls that have met their fate, guiding them, telling them they're loved.

The above traits are special traits specifically for the relevant order. You're free to use them if you're part of that order, or alter existing designs to have them!
ping list

StrayFrogOfTheCreek Looks good!! Feel free to get started whenever, I'm excited to see what you come up with! <3


Name: Licht

Username: Liicht

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359210.myo-event

Friends you wanna tag: LittleBlackRoses StrayFrogOfTheCreek

Joined discord group?: Yep!


Liicht LOOKS GOOD! >:3 Excited to see what you come up with!!


Name: Wow you don't remember my name? :( (I joke hi it's Haze)

Username: IzayoiHaze

Link to bulletin: /SHOW RIGHT https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359217.aschevolk-are-back

Friends you wanna tag: magiclapin StormHeart413 Aberstar (you are all kind thank you  )

Joined discord group?: You Know It


Name: Nulll/Nia

Username: Phamfy89

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359239.aschevolk-myo-event

Friends you wanna tag: Demonic_Mako Milq

Joined discord group?: Yes


Name: Breeb

Username: BreebTheKing

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359261.aschevolk-myo-event (Does this work?)

Friends you wanna tag: elfiee Systemrecoded

Joined discord group?: Yes


Name - System
- Systemrecoded
Link To Bulletin - 
Friendos Who Get The Taggos - 
BreebTheKing elfiee
Discord - 


Name: Rose

Username: LittleBlackRoses 

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359336.cool-cs

Friends you wanna tag: Liicht Inkblot-Wolf

Joined discord group?: Yee!


Name: Paints
Username: PaintSet
Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359402.ad-aschevolks-are-back-baby-myo-event
Friends you wanna tag: [tagging all you crazy kids from Puffers, hope you like 'em] anem0nii, nevishii, corn_stic, Jivixee, Sly
Joined discord group?: Yup, you know it!


name: icarus

username: nevishii

link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359418.aschevolk-myo-event-nm

friends you wanna tag: JingleBunnyUWU Syl Alec_Los3r

joined discord?: yep!


IzayoiHaze LittleBlackRoses nevishii PaintSet Systemrecoded BreebTheKing Phamfy89 All good to go!!! Looking forward to what you guys design >:3c


Name: lucius!

Username: Atychimania

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359558.aschevolk

Friends you wanna tag: MishaTheWTF GrotesquelyKawaii

Joined discord group?: yes! (.lucius.)


Name: tech

Username: techtheclone 

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359607.myo-free

Joined discord group?: Yes


Name: Silver

Username: SilverPandorica

Link to bulletin: Link!

Friends you wanna tag: h4lcyon Luubeani

Joined discord group?: Already there >:3


Name: Yoro

Username: Bunyoro

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1359971.aschevolk-myo-event

Friends you wanna tag: azulunae Genettle

Joined discord group?: Yes