A sirenaline is a Closed Species by MadnessInMe on Furvilla, also known as WarOfTheShadows on DA.

In other words, made by me. XD


Specific to the Species Traits
- Squid like appendages hanging down from the head.
-  Gem on their chest (any shape, though if a pearl it is a Deity  Sirenalines). As well, they can have up to 4 more gems, placed on the  top of their paws. More gems the more powerful they are as they draw  their powers from the gems.
- Area where the right eye should be is  actually empty of anything, and that is where their physical  representation of their soul - that always takes the form of a starfish -  attatches itself. It is a private thing to show the starfish, so they  are normally hidden by their hair.
- Their tail is an aquatic tail,  made of water. They have pearls around the base of the tail, and at the  junction between the body of the tail and the fins.
- Their teeth are all retractable, except for the top two fangs.
- Feline like bodies

Deity Traits
- Pearls as their gems
- Shell on their back

Extra Traits They Can Have
- Wigs
- Antennae

Extra Info
-  Their powers are like a siren's - when they sing it is so beautiful it  lulls and lull the body of any being without a Sirenfeline gem to touch.  
- The gems of Sirenaline's are VERY wanted by the black-market.  They will protect the holder from sickness, keep their health pretty  much perfect, and protect from ill intent. The power only stays as long  as the power stored still runs.
- Sirenaline gems are powered through their sleep, and moonlight. But they have to be on a Sirenaline to power up.
- Sirenaline sleep in the shallows, but live in deep part of the sea, so they swim back and forth.

Existing ones, are located here. #1 and #3 are already adopted.

Any suggestions/help/opinions are loved and forever thankful of!