Looking for a original species co-owner

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by Eonsaway

Creating (another) original species but this time all motivation has left me and  think having someone else to debate with could help.

Im looking for a friendly person and someone i can trust :3

It would also be helpfull if you are good with da and is good with writing. (i know im not)

Here is the species: https://sta.sh/01bznwlc0l97 

(just copy and pasted something i wrote earlyer because im too lazy to write a long story and stuff...(Thats also another reason why i want a co-owner))

The species is called Fufums and they are a creature that lives in mountains and stuff. They dont like to be alone and tend to get depressed when not around any friends for a long time (just like me QvQ)

Please let me know if your interested!


I'm open to co own! I have a few species myself, so I'd be glad to help. I don't have da but I considered myself good at writing. I'd be happy to help.



Great! do you have discord? its easier to comunicate with eachother there