Remake a Song/Album cover for the person above!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by APuzzledPrince

I haven’t seen this one before so let’s go broskies😩


Can someone do (insert character link or IC) In the (album/song) cover for (insert song/album) please? (No/yes) NSFW, (No/yes) Gore!


Can someone do (insert character name) please in the (song/album) cover of (insert song/album).


Nsfw must be dmed

You must take less then or equal to 3 weeks to complete, I will dm you a week in advance, then I will dm you after 3 weeks, depending I will give you a week or 2 more.

Skip the black listed people(Blacklist down below)

Must finish previous claim in order to claim again.

Don’t be rude

Someone can start and I will go after!

Blacklist: NONE YET! Let’s keep it that way😌

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claim: @ishimania

sounds fun, ive never drawn a head from that perspective so i hope i dont mess this up too badly lol

NSFW: No Gore: Yes (none of these albums have blood/gore but if you can/want to somehow apply it, go ahead~)

Any of these please! Fine with drawing the same outfit as the album or just their own outfit^^ Feel free to also change it up a bit like-altering the colour atmosphere/filter to fit the character more Warning for 1 bright yellow image

SiU with Ha Sung Woon - Twilight Zone albumcover_hasungwoon_twilightzone_1591622904

Ian with Han Seungwoo - Fame album (out of all these choices, i want this the most... would totally look cool with Ian)Fame_by_Han_Seungwoo_cover.png

Jinq with Panda Gomm - Sleeptalking album


tbh idk this album just look cool so feel free to just dig through my folders and find a fitting character hehe...NO:EL - ELLEONOEL


Claim QShiina

done and sent !


I’d love Musica in either of these 



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Aster SputnikSketches

LeafeiDraws claim!

I’d like ic done with Will Wood’s “the normal album” please! She can wear the outfit in the album cover or  the one they usually wear! No nsfw or gore with this character please (even though the album has some graphic songs.)

Edit: sent the image!


@leafyant claim!!!


forrest as the American Beauty/American Psycho cover (Fall Out Boy)81Rx4wTpbNL._SL1400_.jpg

or the World’s Strongest Man cover (Gaz Coombes)



beck as the The Black Parade cover (My Chemical Romance)



bunny and anna (2 bc its just their faces) as the До Свидания cover (IC3PEAK) bunny on top and anna on bottom <3


NSFW and Gore is okay but?? u obvs won’t need to draw any uwu

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pocketfulofmice claim :) 

cody and enid as let's go or heart of the woods by in love with a ghost

sovanna as black cat by nyankobrq, include the cat if u wanna lol. sovanna is a cat person


voice and error as pixel galaxy by snail's house (error on the left, voice on the right)


honey and cerise as c-girl by city girl (honey on the left, cerise on the right)


no nsfw or gore

swaggy swag


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