LF: Art of my Minecraft based series

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Necropolis

Okay currently working on an Origins SMP Story and well their first images are based on Minecraft Skins (none are mine though, all from minecraftskins.com).

Well anyways i'm looking for art for them cause why not? Plus i'd love to see them drawn as non-minecraft skins shape.

Origins SMP Folder 

Some Rules:

- Minor blood allowed (But nothing gorey) / injuries / deaths are allowed since it's minecraft basically (like saying "[Whoever] tried to swim in lava" or "[Whoever] was shot by a skeleton" ect.) like deaths since they just respawn back in their beds/starting area of the server

- NSFW is allowed (especially since they are mostly adult age)

- Ship art is allowed between my ships

- I your unsure about their appearance just ask

- May draw them using their Origin Abilities

- You can draw them genderbent if you

- Anything else ask

Some Info:

- Mike has twin buns (hairstyle)

- Mike is 6' while Samuel is 5'5"

- Samuel has small bee wings from his back

- Mike has small spots across his body which are green to indicate his Creeper Origin

- Joey has a small pair of white angel wings to indicate his Cupid Origin

- Jade has purple-colored particles that float around her, indicating her Starborne Origin

- Benny has little demon horns and a demon tail indicating her Demon Origin

- Zackary has small Llama ears and tail indicating his Llama Origin

- Anything else ask


hello ! im making you a scene of two of the characters ^^ i wont tell you yet what characters im doing so it'll be a surprise :0

edit: done ^.^ hope you like it


paii aw that's so adorable! it's really spot on to, like Kiko love ducks while Kinoko doesn't like duck/birds in general ^_^


going to draw some of these characters!!! ill let u know when im done :D


ghoesties okay :)




ghoesties looks nice :3