General Questions & Concerns

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by iinkt


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I have a common spooky, but in the spooky traits it says that I need some legendary traits. Does this mean I need to upgrade my MYO to a legendary?


Nope! The statement means that you can use those specific traits, even though you don’t have a Legendary MYO ^^


awesome thank you!!


I don't know if this was asked before, but is there any thoughts of making a Lorekeeper world like other species?


This hasn’t; what exactly is that?


So like, Lorekeeper is a website that helps manage who owns what! Here's what the Foxtopus site looks like. Some other CS use it to keep tabs on myo slots, and some even have little shops where you can buy an myo slot with cs currency. It's really neat.


Oh, I see! I don’t think so, since we have a lot to manage here, but also we don’t want it to be a requirement for people to have accounts elsewhere—one of our main things for the species is that it’s primarily based in Toyhouse.

We definitely do wish there was a better way to do currencies, though 🥲


If I could suggest maybe a spreadsheet that only moderators can edit for currency! IDK if that's what you have now but I don't see why you couldn't take inspiration from other CS when it comes to that.


For now we have a bank, and that works! Kind of like a commentable spreadsheet, visible in the world ^^


i'm confused, i thought i already had registered Treasuary (Iswear i went for it when i got a MYO tf)
am i just not able to find it or does it not exist? 


If you registered recently, check for your registery comment here: 

Otherwise, check for any old usernames with the list function (tap the #001-100) in the Scale Treasury. Usernames don’t update automatically ^^

I should also mention that you need to manually register (which you can do in the link above), so even if you have received an MYO before, it may not mean you have an account.

You can get in touch with cosmical (who runs the Treasury) here:


Hello! I had gotten an Uncommon MYO ticket from a raffle some time ago, but never got around to using it, and I don't think I will anytime soon. So would I be able to sell it, raffle it off again, or should I keep it here until I finally get around to using it?


Up to you! I would rather you not sell it, since you received it for free, so a raffle is a good idea, or a fcfs post in our shops forum.

We’re actually going to do an event where users can give their myos to first-time-owners in the next few days, if you want to save it for that! Just make sure you have notifications on for this world ^^


Alr! Thank you ^^


Hi! i just got a SS adopt recently, do i just go through the Design Transfer process or something else?


Could you link it to me?

Lemonmoth i got him thru art


Alright! I'll update the Masterlist. Just so you know, they are ML #153 ^^

For future clarification, adopts are all put on the masterlist/approved when they are released (or prior to it) so you don't need to go through that yourself!


Hi! This is a question about the Spirit of giving event 

You said that gifts can be traded an unlimited amounts of time

Does that mean i am allowed retrade a gift i got from tpbm game to claim another one ? :'D




alright, thank you :>


what's the difference between a normal shrimp voucher and a super shrimp voucher?


When you use a regular Shrimp Voucher, you receive a random premade shrimp design, but when you use a Super Shrimp Voucher, you will be PMed a sheet of 9ish premade shrimp designs that you can pick one from ^^ 

"Super" just basically means you get more of a say in what kind of design you get, while the regular one is randomly picked.


oh neat!!! thank you!


hey! I’m having a design commissioned, and they wanted to make sure the design is ok! Sketch of the design is below! The Myo that I have being designed is uncommon!

( sorry if this is the wrong thread! )


The design is so pretty! I adore the outfit :0

The only thing that needs to change is that horns must be pretty much upright and can’t curve like ram horns, since horned shrimp don’t really have curvature to their bodily spikes. An alternative could be the larger set of horns spiking off, almost like antlers would, as you can see in this image of a horned shrimp? Otherwise, it looks good! ^^ I really like the way they drew the shrimp tail :D


alright, thank you!


they edited their sketch! just wanted to make sure the horns are better!


Yes! Looks great :)


hi! i wanted to wait a few days before commenting about it so that's why i'm only now saying something but i think i'm missing a legendary myo from the spirit of giving event? i could be trippin tho


Hi! I wouldn't be surprised, there was a few bumps with that. I'll go through the transfer log tomorrow or Friday and get it to you asap! 


Finally got around to this, my apologies--should be sent!


I have an Uncommon deep sea MYO that is currently being designed and I plan on selling it. It is listed as $8 for the traits, but I've spent $30 for someone to make the design. Am I allowed to up the price to $38 once the design is finished and approved? 


If you purchased the MYO, then yes! But if you traded for it, or it was gifted to you (from an event or from someone else), the worth is just $30 ^^


Alr ty!


When I have a design finished and approved, can I take the ticket image off?


Yep! You can also take off all the text ^^


Alr ty!


Is there a suggestion channel?



