[READ] Todo List

Posted 9 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by lulu

on the todo list in very rough order of priority:

  • Authorization levels - kinda done, but still looking for ways to improve
  • Worlds Overhaul.
  • View Previous Posts / Subscribed Threads / Created Threads
    • Actually probably just a General Forums overhall...
    • Allowing users to delete their own threads.
    • Showing when posts have been edited (+ possible for mods to see original post?)
  • Folder icons and blurbs
  • Species creation
  • Literature submissions/pages for characters
    • Changable privacy levels for the pages possibly
    • "AU" pages
  • Clean up mass image/character management
  • QoL fixes
    • Mass deletion, links to individual edit panels
    • "Next" button when browsing through character pages.
    • "Are You Sure You Want to Delete" pop-up when hitting delete for posts/comments/everything
  • Deleting comments probably needs a confirmation panel...
  • Site search
    • Character search by tag or unverified URL
    • Image search by URL might be useful too, hm
  • Fix thread notifications links to take you to the latest page... Actually I should have it take you directly to the post, I was too lazy when coding this and it's gonna be a pain in the ass to change now
    • Same with thread links on the forum's front page
  • Random character/user link (only for listed and public characters & users)
  • User autocompletion
  • Tag blocking
  • Layout fixing like just in general going around and fixing forms and also checking to see that everything wraps correctly
  • Liking or favving forum posts
  • World tags maybe
    • World galleries
  • Popular world listing on the front page thinks about it... Maybe worlds that've added a lot of members in the past few days? hm...
  • Have a look at a chat... I don't think cloudflare works with websockets so I'll need to have a think about it rubs chin I don't really like the idea of an AJAX chat
  • Image thumbnail / character avatar cropping tool
    • This is half done but I realised it was taking way too long so I've shelved it for later...
  • Drag & drop uploading
  • Bulk image/characters upload
  • Tagging images with multiple characters
    • stares into the distance i'm not looking forward to this
  • Image tagging and specialised/tagged galleries, embedded galleries for character pages
    • stares further into the distance... also not... looking forward to this...
  • Dice rollers on the forums
  • Downloading threads as a PDF/etc... / downloading character profiles?
  • Custom Post Formatting
  • Delete images from image manager
  • Character link sorting/deleting
    • Editable icons seperate from the character icons?
  • More user options including # of charas displayed on a page.

Feature fixes / comments

  • Watermarked thumbnails needs to be looked at, I'm not really happy with it atm.. 
  • Commission a logo artist for a clean logo 
  • I should just outsource the front end to a proper front end developer
  • Fix how images teleport when you try to drag one that's at the end of the row

Features I'm thinking about and welcome suggestions for:

  • Anonymous comments (if I do throw this in you're still certainly going to have to be logged in so the recipient can report malicious content if necessary)
  • Allowing for fandom/canon characters 
  • World chats - just mulling it over right now...

Oh man I would super be into a way to delete my old forum posts.  It feels like there is SO much in their to sift through so it would be nice to take up less space with threads that are closed/ unneeded anymore.


Adding customizable default Basic Fields that appear for all new characters you create would be super useful if you have a world with a bunch of characters/want all your characters' details to seem uniform.

For instance, I always list species, age, height, weight, and a few other fields in that section, and it is annoying to have to add every field individually and type them all in each time I need to create a character.


@eXOSOMNIAC the mod team is kinda small which is why tickets and reports take forever to get answers. Sadly unless we can tag images I don't think it would be possible to tag specific types of images other than those flagged as NSFW.

LadySilvie - this is often requested. The mods have mentioned they will look into it but idk if there was any further plans for implementation.


Can somebody check tickets soon? There is an uprising of people posting real people as "characters" for the lolz and the front page popularity and it's 1) annoying and 2) probably going to get way out of control

I'd love to see something done about it :/


+1 for @fehnryr's wish for tickets to be checked.

also comment boxes on the top of a thread.



omg lit pages is one of my faves on the to-do's!!

Also would be really cool if there was a button where you could like.... okay idk how to explain

like if someone uploads a picture and lists the artist as "unknown" (or maybe spells the artist's name wrong) you could click a little button and fill in the artist/correct artist and it would send them a little message that just said something like "@fehnryr would like to suggest an artist for this piece" or something? idk >< I just know a lot of people have uncredited art, and there's a thread that's pretty helpful, but I thought it might be cool :3


I wonder would different levels of authorization be possible? Currently there're three levels but I think it'd be great to have a few more layers, similar to the privacy system on Facebook.

The first one I'd suggest to add is public level that is viewable only to TH users(which means outsiders without a TH account will not be able to view)
And next is adding one more level before the protected level. As there are users that I might be comfortable to share my authorized content to a certain level, but would like to keep my privacy to some extent, where else they are other users I am comfortable with sharing most of my authorized content.

Thanks for considering!


Can we have the option of tagging our entire account as mildy NSFW?
Because I post bulletins with topless mermaids........ and that's not a picture I can tag.


Falu as long as you include NSFW in the title of the bulletin, it is ok! 


I would be SO cool to have a more easy to handle trading system. Like when you decide you want to rehome a character, switch their status from "Permanently Homed" to "Looking to Trade" or "For Sale" with a little tag line where you can put extra info (like "Will only swap for same CS") 

and then a place where we can just scroll through all the pretty characters that are up for grabs owo

I just thought it would be cool, because the trade forum is always on fire, and I feel like I offer on/open the same characters a hundred times by mistake x.x