One Final Heist

5 years, 5 months ago
1003 10 7

It may have been crime, but it was also theater to Jackson, otherwise known as the Master Thief. Plays and acts that captivated his audience... right before he stole their wallets. Of course, the curtain must fall with every play. Even a thief's.

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Author's Notes


Stealing was a crime.
But what Jackson did? It was art.


Spotlights light up to reveal the man standing so courageously on the roof of a museum. His cape and the long ribbons of his scarf-like mask fluttered in the wind as he grinned down at his audience of police officers and amazed spectators. It was his biggest crowd to date, and justifiably so! This museum he stood atop held not one but three priceless jewels protected for centuries. They had been carefully transferred from museum to museum, countless thieves and robbers have tried for so long to steal them - maybe even just one - but not one attempt was successful.
Until now.
The infamous Master Thief, the best of the best in today's generation, sent his calling card. Three days and each jewel would be his. Security was upped, the police had their priorities, and even reporters both on their own and with the news tried to hide and wait for any hints or signs.
Perhaps it was the arrogance that not even the Master Thief would obtain what's seemingly impossible, or perhaps his tricks were just that good, but he had done it. He stood there, at the very top of the building, one foot over the corner brick while he proudly held a bag over his shoulder that held his prize.

"Gentlemen!" Jackson called out to the police underneath and their barrage of guns pointed at him. "As much as I love seeing you all - and I certainly do! - I'm afraid I'll have to bid you-" He reached a gloved hand into his vest. He smirked as he heard the simultaneous click of countless safety triggers being taken off.
What happened next was a blur. It took a second for Jackson to grab small black ball and hurl it on the ground. It took just a half second more for the police to pull their triggers.
The roof, the alleyways, the front - every angle of the museum exploded into a ball of thick smoke that made it difficult to see the hand in front of one's face. The cops hesitated, even the onlookers screamed in surprise. Helicopters flew closer to blow it all away, but by the time the smoke had cleared so too had the thief.

Jackson laughed triumphantly as he ran, looking over his shoulder as the museum got farther and farther from sight. He was in the clear! And with the three jewels all in his grasp! He couldn't help but laugh again as he twisted through alleys of any direction. Oh, what would he even do with all this money?! What should he buy first? Maybe an owl for his uncle? He'd heard him talk about getting one for a while now. Imagine the look on his face once he gets the bird of his dreams with black market money, ha! And what about that lady? She needed new supplies for her classroom, right? He could get... ah, uh, what are they called? Easels! Easels for every student! It'd give him an excuse to see the other teachers any... way...
Jackson stumbled to a stop as he turned into the next alley to find a robbery going on. Wide blue eyes stared at the lanky thug with the ski mask shakily point a gun at a kid who couldn't have had much on him. He looked, what, like a junior high kid? Maybe a high school freshman? Jackson looked over at the other thief. Scared man. Hard on times? Maybe suffering some drug withdrawal?
The two turned their attention to the newcomer.
"D-Don't come any closer!" screeched the robber as he pointed his gun to Jackson. That outfit, that mask... "H-Holy shit," the robber whispered to himself. "Y-You're... You're the guy."
"Let's just calm down now," Jackson insisted slowly, trying to calm down the situation. Escaping was always easy for someone like him, but he wouldn't live with himself if he so easily watched some kid get hurt. "Let the kid go, I'll give you some money, okay?"
It was a tense moment, the only sound being the nervous pants coming from the robber as he tightly gripped his gun. Finally, he began to lower-
Jackson turned to see a few cops hot on his trail with a police dog barking viciously at him.
A hitched breath.
Time slowed down.
Jackson spun around. He could see the robber's eyes go wide with fear at the fast approaching cops. His hands were sweaty. Were they going up out of fear or to protect himself? The gun lifted with them. The shaking hands and frightened vision was making the gun aim everywhere. It pointed at the kid. The finger was slipping on the trigger.
Seconds left.
Run away with the money or jump into a pointless situation?
His body moved without even thinking.


It was quiet.
The police stopped running. The robber dropped his gun in sheer shock.
"Hey now."
The teen slowly opened his eyes.
Jackson smiled reassuringly in front of him despite the hole in his stomach that was blooming with more and more vivid reds against his white uniform.
"Don't you remember the first rule about being a thief? Steal money... not... lives..."
No matter how steady his voice was his body betrayed him. He collapsed on the cold concrete, the jewels rolling out of his bag. He coughed, tasting the metallic sting of blood. It was getting dark faster than he thought.
"What a way to go, huh?" he whispered to no one in particular. He coughed again.
Ah, he could see all his memories. All those people he loved... How were they doing now, he wondered? They must be happy... holding the person they love...
"Guess it makes sense... for a thief to not get... a g-good ending, huh?" he chuckled dryly.
Oh, a light.

The police slowly approached, but it turns out it was the light that caught the thief first.