Enna - Extra Search - In The Wings (Orrison Event)

2 years, 5 months ago
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South. South seems to be a good option, right? Enna had no mount, no way to fly, so by foot was really the only way he could travel. He could head north, towards Forchs, but the goal was to explore the wilds, places previously too treacherous to travel, thus why head towards civilization. He had landed at The Wings after traveling from Immitheus by sea, catching a ride with a new connection he had recently made. Cru’Wlokk was perhaps even more eccentric than Enna, an information broker eager to dip their fingers into whatever Enna could find out about The Wings after they had heard that’s where Enna was heading to. Enna was interested to explore for personal gain, but wouldn’t mind getting a little extra esse as well if he did discover anything for the broker. So Southwest he continued, starting to make his way towards the bottom edge of The Wings.

Days, weeks, it got hard to tell after traveling alone. Enna would sing when he had the energy, mostly at night when things got lonely, but often he would walk in silence and think. Things around Orrison were changing so quickly, cities with new shepherds, whole new species appearing after long lost, the churning of deities deep in slumber… He thought of Aria, her whispers, her words to him. He was so lost in thought that he almost lost his balance, tripping and having to grab at nearby tree branches to keep himself from stumbling down a ledge.

“Blast,” he mumbled, “I’ve been walking for too long.” 

Looking to the sky it was indeed past sundown, small stars twinkling in the heavens down at him, mocking him for his absentmindedness. He stuck out his tongue at them and snared.

“I’m not a fool, I am free.” He explained, though to no one in particular besides the stars themselves. “Free to experience fate as it unfolds and my choices guided by Aria’s song.”

He set up camp for the night, a far enough distance from the cliff’s edge that he wouldn’t risk falling, but close enough that he could still look out from an elevated spot. It was dark and hard to see, but below him rested tangled wilds infested with poisoned water. He must be close to the edges of the ocean, where the fysa poisoning was particularly strong. He elected to wear a gas mask that night, in case any haze rose in the early morning and settled into his hammock for sleep. Wind whistled gently through the trees as if Aria herself were singing him softly to sleep.