The Day Magic Died Prompt 2

2 years, 5 months ago

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Frysil had once again come and gone, leaving Morana even more confused about what to do next. 

This tree... Seemed weird, but also important. At least, from the way Frysil had acted, that was. But it was hard to tell, the Deity had arrived and left as quick as could be. How peculiar. 

Shade croaked, and Morana glanced first at her familiar then to the Quirlicorns she was paired with. 

"Well. I don't know much about gardening," Mor admitted. "But I do have magic that could be helpful here. I could try to separate the object and tree using my Shield magic. Create a barrier, but I don't know if I could use both Telekinesis and the Shield magic at the same time with how temperamental magic has been."

"I could use ice to create a slicker surface between the object and the shield magic," Cait offered. "Could make it easier to pull out!" 

"I have Plant Magic," Goatse said, studying the tree. "I can monitor the trees condition while we work." 

Morana nodded, and considered the task laid before them once more. 

"Goatse, do you happen to have any rope in your bag?" 


The Plan was formed, and the three enjoyed a small meal before getting started. Goatse had these wonderful things called 'Energy Drinks' in his bag, which made Morana feel like she could run for three days and still not be tired. It must be some weird form of liquidized Endurance Magic, she figured. 

Mor wanted to comment on Goatse eating (and really, just wonder where did it go?) but her mind was buzzing with energy, and Shade was currently flying through the air as if he were some kind of crazy fighting dragon. Goatse's hellhound was chasing Shade from the ground, and Cait's mermaid was watching from the nearby stream and laughing at their antics. 

Despite the buzzing in her body, Morana felt relaxed, and quite happy. It was a strange feeling, especially since she hadn't met these Quirlicorns too long before. But on the other hand, they had been working together toward a common goal, it was bound to create bonds, right? 

Goatse did indeed have a rope, and Morana used her telekinesis to tie it around the object. She wasn't certain about touching the object itself, but the magic worked as intended. 

"Alright, if you guys are ready I will activate the shield now," Morana said. At their confirming agreement, Mor went to work.

It was a more strenuous process, to be able to shield just certain areas. She had mainly formed bubbles of a sort before, but they needed to be able to work magic within the shield still.

"The tree is still doing okay, maybe even better," Goatse said, as Morana placed the shield and glanced to him for a checkup.

"My turn!" Cait said, her ice magic forming around the outside of the object, creating a slick surface. It was strange to feel another Quirlicorn's magic working alongside her shield magic, but Morana kept the shield steady as Cait formed the barrier. 

"Tree good?" Cait asked, as she finished, and Goatse nodded. 

"Tree is still good," he confirmed.

"Alright, time to pull," Morana said, strengthening her shield magic. Goatse moved closer to the tree to monitor it, and Mor moved to stand beside Cait and grab onto the rope. Cait's mermaid held the very end of it, and Goatse's hellhound helped by grabbing the rope behind the two mares. Shade flew in circles above, monitoring for anything strange. 

Cait and Mor applied tension to the rope, waiting until they had Goatse's confirmation that they were not hurting the tree in the progress, and began to pull.

Goatse called out every few moments the status of the tree, having them adjust their angle or pull every once in a while to avoid hurting the roots. 

It was working! Morana held back her excitement as the object began to pull loose.

"A bit more ice!" Goatse called out, and Cait used her magic to combat the melting ice with a bit of fresh ice. 

"To the left a bit, keep the shield strong!" 


With one last pull of effort, Cait and Morana pulled the object free from the roots. A collective cheer went up from the trio, as they released their hold on their magics.

"Tree feels good, still injured but no longer being choked by whatever that is," Goatse reported, and Morana let out a sigh of relief. 

"Really, though, what is that?" Morana asked, while staring at the strange and foreign object. It really wasn't like anything she had seen before!