May's Death

2 years, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

In which Headmaster struggles to recover from May's sudden departure.

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The same note rung throughout Origin, again. Sylvius had stopped counting. He was still trying to wrap his mind around what had happened, so suddenly. The note was only a reminder.


"What brings you back to visit little old me?" The familiar, soft voice chuckled slowly at the presence of the robed figure. "I wanted to see you, May." The elder woman's expression creased slightly in slight concern. "I still don't understand why you constantly choose to mask yourself and your voice." The other sighed slightly, relaxing his rigid posture faintly. "I've told you it's precaution..." "And I've told you, you have nothing to fear." She laughed softly, going to stand up when the other held out his smooth, gloved hand. She glanced at it for a moment, as if in awe of its smooth, youthful appearance. She took it, and he gently pulled her up, using that recognizable smooth motion she had taught him. "I wanted to talk, not argue." He murmured quietly. She nodded slightly, a faint smile on her creased face. "Taking a break?" "I needed one." He gave a faint huff that sounded like a chuckle. "Well then, if it's Headmaster's orders." She tossed him a faint smirk, going to grab the last of her papers off her desk.

But she did not reach it.

A pain seized her chest and she stumbled forward, coughing. Confusion raced through his head at first, but then she fell. She made no sound, but the panic that shattered his conscience felt deafening. The way he ran made it seem as if he were trying to catch her frail body before it hit the ground, but to him every footstep was too slow. Too slow. He dropped to his knees, the pain of the hard tiled floor shooting through his legs, but his mind was fixed on her. "May?!" He placed his hands on her shoulders, but he could feel no pulse. The anxiety in his mind shot through his body, his own heart thudding wildly. In his own panic, he had no time to think, but one thing. "MEDIC!!" He wailed, everybody in the bay able to hear the horrible sound.


He had been staring at that foreboding green door for hours. He could not do anything else. He had questioned every medic that came through that door persistently, and still his heart thudded in his chest. Finally, he was allowed to come in. At first he was afraid of what he might see. But instead, she was lying on that cot peacefully, a faint smile on her ashen face. Almost as if she was happy, and not in pain. He took a shallow breath, painfully shattering the silence. "..May..are you alright..?" Her eyes flickered open slowly, her calm hazel stare directed towards his figure. Even as she lay there, she noticed his restless, anxious hands. "..Oh, Timothy dear.." Her voice was barely a whisper. "...Take off that silly mask." She shook her head slightly. He hesitated, his hands reaching up to feel its cold, smooth surface. After a pause, he pulled it off, revealing his pale, shaken expression. Exactly what he hadn't wanted her to see. "There he is." She smiled faintly, lifting her hand slightly. "Come here." He walked over, kneeling next to her cot. He felt her soft hand press against his cheek. But it worried him even more as he realized it was cold. "They'll heal you..." He whispered, but his words were hollow. "They'll heal you, you'll be alright.." He looked up at her, gently grasping her hand. He searched her face for the assurance to his own words, but her eyes were closed. "..Timothy, you may still be young, but I...we humans don't last very long." She smiled sadly, opening her eyes to look into his own. "..Oh, don't give me those sad eyes.." He could feel his chest tighten, his own eyes flushing a dark sapphire blue. "You can't leave.." He whispered hoarsely, his voice cracking. "Please don't leave.." His heart throbbed inside his chest painfully as he watched her every breath, and he knew it was forced. "..Timothy.." She gasped softly, gripping his hands with her last bit of strength. "..Don't worry about me anymore, please." His eyes widened as he felt her grip loosen, watching as she breathed out her last. He didn't even have to look at the monitor to hear the sound of the flatline. "Don't leave.." He whispered, his entire body trembling. On impulse, he hugged onto her, the tears flowing down his face. Sylvius could only watch as The Headmaster broke down, his sorrow choking out any other emotion.


Sylvius had no idea how long he had sat there, staring at the table's polished surface, until a voice snapped him out of his thought. "Sylvius..?" His ears perked slightly as he glanced over at the person who spoke. "Yes..?" "..The Headmaster isn't here yet..these meetings can't be canceled anymore." Sylvius nodded slightly, shaking himself out of his thoughts completely. "Of course...I'll...I'll bring him." He stepped quietly out of the room, his focus on the tiled floor as he walked. They all knew where The Headmaster was. They could all hear it. The same note always rung throughout Origin every so often. He traveled towards his study, hesitating before he pushed open the door. The entire place was empty and devoid of life, as if no one had lived there in decades. As he brought himself up the stairs, he could that note again, louder. The bookshelf slid back at his touch, revealing the entrance to the large, circular room. But for all of the windows, no light seemed to enter. One figure sat, bent over in front of the piano, the centerpiece of the room. His hand rested on one key, as if that was the only thing he was able to play. As if his creativity and joy had been drained of everything but that single note. He didn't even move to look at the figure that entered. "..Headmaster, there is a meeting you need to come to.." Sylvius muttered, frowning at the nervousness in his own voice. "What's the point?" The other contradicted, looking up at the window. "She's gone. All humans go so fast..." "I know it hurts, Timothy. But you must keep going, May would have wanted that-" "May is DEAD!!" He burst out, letting a hysteric sob slip. Sylvius' face creased slightly in worried, his ears lowering. "I didn't realize.." He trailed off, standing at his side. Only then did he notice his red eyes, his cheeks stained with the never-ending tears. The hollow blue color of his eyes seemed no less pure and potent than it had been in that small room. "I'm sorry.." He murmured, helping him up. His worry only increased as he saw his frailness, hunger evident in his sunken face. Suddenly the other wrapped his arms around him tightly, shaking in pain and sorrow. Sylvius flinched in surprise, but did not push him away, instead returning the embrace. "They won't stop..." He whispered. "..The tears won't stop, but I want them to, Sylvius.."
