
2 years, 8 months ago

In which Redford discovers a little more about Timothy's past.

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"Oh yeah, I'm sure that was a riot!" Redford giggled from his cot, elbow propping him up so he could face Timothy, who was lying spread-eagle on his back, completely drugged up with a new round of painkillers..he'd get like this sometimes, and honestly so far it'd been nothing but amusing- and Redford didn't mind in the slightest. It'd just been babble about nurse May, who he knew Timothy had a crush on, and silly little things like lights and pillows. "I know you like your pillows-" He grinned, and Timothy lazily lolled his head to the side. "Yeah-" He mumbled thickly, but his irises, however hazy, seem to meld to a sickly, mustard yellow after a moment. ....Weird. He'd never seen that color before. Bright yellow, only a few times- like when he didn't know where he was at first- but not this weird...pukey color. His pupils suddenly seemed to focus and he stared straight at Redford's face. Redford almost got caught mid-swallow- that was a bit too lucid, did his painkillers get cut? His eyes drifted to the IV, but no- the line was fine. "They killed my family." Redford blinked, not sure he registered the sentence right as he looked back at Timothy. "...What?" He asked, as if for confirmation. "They killed my father. Ate my friend. Tore my only hope for sanity apart like a mouse in a pair of -" Redford clasped his hand when he started to shake, it was cold and clammy. "Hey- it's okay-" He started weakly, then tried to smile, tried to ward off the cold sensation in the room that had come over them. "...They're gone now. You're safe- we're safe- Here is safe." "..Safe..?" Timothy drawled, looking back at him with unfocused, muddy brown eyes. Like the sudden relapse had been a mere afterthought. Redford let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and smiled again,, trying a bit wider. "Yeah, safe-! Now uh, how about nurse may, huh?"