
2 years, 8 months ago

In which Charles betrays Headmaster.

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Sparks showered down from the ceiling, spraying from severed wires and fizzing light sockets. A blaring alarm pierced through the building as the foundations shook under the throes of an earthquake. The faint terrified roar of the fleeing crowd was audible, but in the hall itself it was surreally quiet, save for the two hurried pairs of footsteps on the tiled floor. “We don’t know what the anomaly is-“ Headmaster panted between breaths, heading for the door with his companion dashing right at his side. “All we know is there was a significant energy flare before these earthquakes started.” “Well, they seem bound to tear Origin apart!!” Charles snapped mainly out of panic; they were five feet from the doors. Another tremor rollicked the hall, and the ceiling collapsed. One moment the door was clear, the next rubble poured down, concrete and beams crashing down on the two. Charles’ yelp was cut short and the next second he was on the ground, coughing on dust. He laid there in a daze for half a second before sitting up, looking around wildly. “Headmaster?!” He scrambled to his feet, hurrying over to the prone figure, bottom half trapped underneath a heavy collapsed beam. “Charles-“ Headmaster wheezed, struggling to sit up. “We can lift- I can still feel my legs if we both lift I think I can get out from under this-“ Charles hesitated and placed his hands on the beam, but he didn’t begin to pull, a slow frown forming on his face. “Charles-“ Headmaster repeated, pleadingly. “I don’t have enough energy to do it myself.” Instead, Charles slowly stood, a distant, thoughtful look on his face. “….I’ll get you a paramedic.” “What?? No- Charles- I don’t have *time* for that the building is *collapsing*- no one is going to get here in time!!” He raised his voice faintly, it was impossible to tell his expression beneath the mask on his face, but he strained to sit up under the weight, trying to make himself more level with his line of vision. Charles made no move to help him, a slow, wry smile sliding across his teeth. “Then I suppose they’ll label it as an unfortunate accident…” He mused, eyes glinting. Headmaster froze, his outstretched hand slowly curling back. “Charles..” He faltered weakly, for once caught at a loss. “You wouldn’t-“ He gave a small, choked chuckle, as if trying to convince himself of something he knew wasn’t true. “You can handle it on your own, can’t you?” He asked, already treading around the pile of rubble, grunting mid-sentence as he kicked the door in. He paused only to look back at the other man, helplessly trapped as tremors shook the supports. “After all…you’re The Headmaster. …But- if you can’t, then…my condolences. I’ll make sure to do a good job in your place.” He finished, showing too many teeth in his snide, fake smile, before leaving the hall in a run, followed only by Headmaster’s angered yell of betrayal. He smiled to himself, quite satisfied, before he cleared his expression when he heard the clamor of the crowd. He made sure to wait for another rumble and a crashing noise before twisting his expression into feigned panic and worry, waving his hands as he ran into the group. “Help!! Help!! The Headmaster is trapped!”