a collection of tales [[ chronocompass writing ]]

5 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
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Chapter 9
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

So I'm in this group that has me write quite a bit about some of my characters, and I figured I could put that stuff as a series on here! These short stories probably won't connect much, if at all.

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various adventures [hartwin and dragons]

Hartwin awoke that morning to someone knocking at his tent. How odd. He didn't usually get visitors, so that's why he opened the tent flap with he and his dragons prepared to fend off an attack. Luckily, they didn't have to deal with one in that moment. The tent flap opened to reveal a very frazzled person, holding a sheet of parchment. Said paper was shoved into Hartwin's hands.

"What is this?" Hartwin asked, wanting answers that he felt really should be expected for such an odd situation. The person shrugged nervously, and said,

"There's a - a weird plant about a mile or two from here. Been attacking travelers. I heard you could help take it down?"

Now that was an odd request - Hartwin hadn't expected to be known for anything, but either way, he put down his spear, nodded, and said, "I've got it. Shouldn't be too much trouble." Minerva and Speckle watched over his shoulder with interest as Lancer peered down at the paper. On it appeared to be a hastily drawn diagram of the plant - a green thing with leaf-like fangs.

*Scary*, thought Lancer to the group, and Minerva laughed.

*We'll go and take it down a notch! Tell it to pick on things its own size!*

*Sounds good. Everyone, get ready,* Hartwin thought, and as the figure who had given them the paper left, Hartwin grabbed his bags, packed up camp, and prepared for trouble.

. . .

The plant itself wasn't as scary at first glance as the drawing had made it out to be. Speckle had flown ahead to get a good look before the rest of the crew arrived, and reported back with flashes of an unassuming green bush, mixed in with the usual cheery humming.

*That's the beast everyone's so afraid of?* scoffed Minerva as they stepped into the clearing where the plant sat, quiet as ever. *I've seen ants more terrifying.*

Lancer growled at it, distrust in his gaze and his claws digging into the dirt. *I say we set it on fire from far away and call it a day.*

Hartwin listened to his dragons discuss what to do as he cautiously took a few steps forward and grabbed a rock up from the ground. He threw it at the plant and jolted back when it lunged at the stone and ate it whole. That was a bit concerning.

"Bring it together, guys," the thief said to his dragons as they continued to bicker back and forth about what to do. "I need your help on this one. Speckle, you willing to sing a song for me?"

*Always!* exclaimed the bird dragon in excitement. *How so?*

"I need you to distract the plant, sing as loudly as you can. Meanwhile the rest of us will creep up from behind and stick a spear in its roots until it stops moving. Sound good?"

Speckle nodded and took off into the air - Minerva tightened her grip on Hartwin's shoulder, and Lancer readied his claws to run. When Speckle started to sing an upbeat tune, the plant turned to look at him and tried to snap at him. The dragon simply fluttered out of reach, and Hartwin took slow, careful steps towards the plant, quiet as possible. Lancer followed behind, even slower.

Finally, painfully, the plant got within range, and Hartwin thrust the spear true once - twice - three times. The plant whipped around and tried to bite, but it was too late. Victory was theirs.

The walk home was uneventful as ever, and Hartwin wondered if he'd ever see that strange fellow again. Probably not. He moved from place to place too often for that.